Chapter 19: Lies

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"Maybe this is a mistake."  I muttered and shamefully hid my face in my hands.

"It's not a mistake, Rydel."  Brie assured me for the umpteenth time.

"What if he hates me?  I broke his heart."  I shouted.

"Just go."  I looked up and met eyes with Brie.  Her face was stern, but also concerned.  "I'll even walk you up to the door."

I sniffed back tears and shook my head, my eyes falling on my hands in my lap.

"No," I told her.

"If you don't want to go, I can't make you.  I just think you should talk to him."  She said, turning the car back on.

"No, I'm going.  Just give me a sec to compose myself."  I told her.  My heart was racing and my face felt hot, in an unpleasant way.  I dabbed away tears and wiped away smeared makeup. 

"Wish me luck."  I gave Brie an artificial smile, in which she returned. 

"Don't worry about it babe.  You'll do great."  She gestured me to go.  "Now go! Before he thinks he's got a stalker parked outside of his house!"

I laughed and got out of the car.  I walked stiffly up to his front door.  I took Ross' words to heart and decided to talk to him.

I took a deep breath and held up my hand to knock but it dropped, as did my heart.  I looked back at Brie and considered fleeing the battlefield.  She gave me a double thumbs up.  I turned back and blew out the breath I had taken in.

Knock, knock, knock.

And now the moment of truth

The lock turned and the door opened.  It wasn't him. It was his mom.

"Oh, hello, dear.  Can I help you?"  She asked with slight hesitation.  I knew she was mad at me for breaking up with Ellington and hurting him, but I'm sure she'd reconsider if she heard my side of the story.  Well, assuming she believed me.

"Is Ell home?  I was kinda hoping to talk to him."  I told her, wringing my fingers together and switching my weight from foot to foot.

"No, he's at Kelly's I think.  Would you like me to tell him you were here when he gets home?"  She asked wearily.

"Just have him call me please."  I turned and walked away.  I got back in the car and Brie looked at me expectantly.

"He's not home.  He's with Kelly."  I said bitterly through clenched teeth.  I know, I know, I have no right getting angry that he's with his girlfriend but I couldn't help but feel jealous again.

"Then give me directions."  Brie said, reversing her car.


"To Kelly's.  Give me directions to her place."  She said simply.

"I don't think so-"

"Now.  You're talking to someone one way or another."  She shrugged and looked at me.  I gave in and told her directions.  When we pulled up to her apartment Brie practically pushed me out of her car.

I knocked and waited.  Nothing.  I knocked again.  When I didn't get an answer that time I started to walk away, discouraged, yet at the same time, grateful.  But then I heard the turning of a door knob.


I turned around and saw Kelly.  Perfect.  Just perfect. 

"What are you doing here?"  She put her hand on her hip and stared at me menacingly.

"I wanted to talk to Ell.  His mom said.  He was with you."

"And you had the nerve to show up at my place to talk to my boyfriend after what you did to him?"  She seemed proud of her snide remark.  I narrowed my eyes and didn't hesitate with my reply.

"You forget you broke his heart first.  You forget that you chose another man over him and tried to come crawling back when that failed."  I snapped.

"But you forget that he chose me over you the second time around."  She shot with an evil smirk.  That one really hurt, but I didn't let it show.

"Is he here? Or am I just wasting my time?"  I asked coldly.

"Just missed him.  I'll tell him that you didn't come around."  She started to shut the door.

"Kelly, why do you hate me?  I fucking gave you what you wanted, I forgave you after all you did to me, I still respected you when you were pregnant with my boyfriend's baby, I was supportive when you lost the baby.  I've given you no apparent reason to hate me!"

"News flash darlin, I never lost the baby."  She scoffed.  I stood there dumbfounded for moment.  What did she mean?

"You're still pregnant?  Why would you lie about that?" 

"Nope.  Never was pregnant, sweetie.  I just used the time we hooked up, on the day you two got together, to get back what was mine."

I stood there, mouth agape, eyes burning, trying to process what she just told me.

"You lied, to him, to me, to your own damn family, just because you realized how big you fucked up and decided you deserved him more than anyone else?" I couldn't stop the flow of words. "Do you even realize how selfish you sound?" She simply shrugged.

"What's it to you? We're together now because YOU fucked up and now there's nothing you can do about it." She cracked a smile. "So what are you going to do now? Go tell him? I'd love to see you try."

I just turned and ran back to the car. I heard Kelly cackling behind me as I left.

"What's wrong?  What happened?" Brie asked.

"She fucking lied." I felt like a baby for blubbering to Brie for the next hour, sitting in her car in an abandoned parking lot, but it was what I needed.  I needed to talk to someone.  I was pissed.

"So are you going to tell him?"  Brie asked me. 

"What's the point?  He won't believe me." I wiped away my tears

"You can try."

I signed and leaned my head against the window.  Brie placed her hand on my leg in a comforting way.

"I just wish I could rewind. Not answer the damn door when he came to tell me he and and that bitch broke up.  Not kiss him on New Year's.  Not tell him I love him."

"Sweetie, if it were that easy, everyone would rewind.  There are always times when we want to redo things, but we can't.  We just have to learn how to not do them again."

"Right.  So the lesson I've learned is to never trust guys." I glanced briefly at Brie.

"Not all guys..."

"But how do I know who not to trust?" I asked her.  She just shrugged.

"I guess you'll just have to see for yourself."

Sorry I disappeared for so long.  I was busy working on my NEEEWWWW story I posted.  It's called Our Song and you should definitely check it out because me and my fabulous friends @RikersCupcake_R5 and @RealHannahBanana worked our asses off on it.  Please and thank you? Love to you all and I guess I'll see you for the next update.... ;)

That Moment When You Fall In Love With Your Best Friend (Rydellington/R5) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now