Wanting (A Mindless Behavior Story)

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There is a picture of Shivón to the right. Scroll down.

Shivón POV:

      "Chresanto wait!" Chresanto walked out of the door without another word. I sat down and just looked  at a vacuum cleaner commercial. "Chresanto and I always get into these damn fights! I wish we could just be like how we used to." I leaned back on the couch and tried to get comfortable but all I could think about was Chresanto. His tall tan body, his 6 pack, his brownish blonde dyed hair and oh his eyes. I sat on the couch for about 20 minutes when my phone started to vibrate. It was Angelique.

I answered the phone.


"Hey girl! Are you and Santo busy?"

Santo was the nickname that everybody had for him. Chresanto just seemed to long for everybody. The only time people didn't call him by his nickname was when the were serious or mad.

"Nah not really. We just got into another fight."

"About what?"

"Some girl called for him and I brought it up with him and things went down hill from there."

"Girl you just wait, things are gonna get better for y'all."

"I hope so."

I really didn't like fighting with Santo but sometimes he just makes me so mad! He was never like this when we first me. Then again, everyone is always nice when they first meet.

"So if your not busy, how about we head over to Ino's?"

Ino's was the most authentic Mexican food restaurant I had ever ben too. I loved it there.

"Sure.  I'll be ready at six. 

Jacob POV:

Hello, my name is Jacob Perez. Right now I'm sitting in a solitary confinement, wasting my life away. I'm playing checkers with a Persian guard. You see, I'm not like most 21 year olds. I'm Insane. Psycho. Crazy. These words mock me everyday nonstop. It drives me crazy. Crazy enough to kill. Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you. I'm looking for my prey. My number one target.

Shivón Simmons 

I've know Shivón for a long time, since day one, but she doesn't know that. I love her, everything about her. Her walk, her eyes. They make me crazy. You see, she's the reason I'm locked up in this place in the first place. Ever since she found me hiding in her closet. I promised her I would get revenge, and that's what I'm going to do.

The guard makes another move. I make my last move and yell "King Me" before flipping the table over. The guard stood up but before he could do anything I jumped on his back. The guard struggles to get me off of him before I snapped his neck. His lifeless body fell to the ground. I took off his uniform and put it on. I grabbed his sunglasses and put them over my eyes and walked out of the room. Lucky for me, there were no cameras in the room I was just in. I opened the door and tasted freedom once more. The weirdest thing about my escape was that there was no guard in sight.

This was going to be easier that I thought.

Hope you guys like it!. Trying to get five comments before I do another chapter.

Sorry for any miss spellings.

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