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"Bye Selina!" I yelled into the camera, and shut my laptop.

"Olivia! Come on. We need to get to school!" Aaron yelled. Yes, THE Aaron carpenter yelled. My brother. My twin to be exact.

He is an amazing brother but it does get hard sometimes. All of the girls at my school either dont care about me or think of me as trash, but whatever. Some girls don't even know I am his sister.

I grab my bag off of my door and run outside to Taylors car where him and Aaron are waiting. They are best friends. Taylor and I are close, but not in a relationship kind of way.

"Finally." Taylor sighs, pulling out of the drive way. I flip him off and smile smugly. "I love you Olivia." Taylor says all sincere.

"Suck my ass."

Aaron laughs, but Taylor pouts his lip. "Aww, did baby Taylors feelings get hurt?" i use a baby voice. He nods, pretending to tear up.

We pull up to school 2 minutes later. "Peace out." I yell and run to my friends which consisted of Andrea, Jenn, Bryan, and Adam. "Sup sluts." only andrea and Jenn are here yet.

They look at me all teary, "What?" I look around confused. "Jenn and I are moving to California." Andrea cries.

"WHAT!?!?" I yell, "You cant. Why?"

"We have to. We both want to become succesful and our parents are making us move to la to do it." Jenn whimpers. "While your still juniors? Why cant you move when you graduate in 2 years? You can't just go out to LA and get famous. It takes way more than that."

"We know. We just have to do it now. Im sorry. Were moving. This Friday."

"Fine. Do it. We'll just have to make the most of this week i guess."

"PSYCHE BITCH!!!" They yell, laughing. "What?" I ask angrily.

"We got you!" They high fived eachother.

"Go fuck yourselves." I say, trying not to smile.

"Dont worry, bae. We aint leaving you." Jenn hugs me on one side and andrea hugs me on the other. I hug them back.

How was I supposed to tell them I was leaving for magcon in 2 days?

Brian and Adam finally come and we all walk to class.

The day went by quickly and it was soon the end of the day. I walked to Aarons locker to see him making out with his new girlfriend. She doesnt know Im his sister.

I stand next to his locker till he notices me. His girlfriend notices and gives me a death glare.

"Give me a sec." Aaron tells me. I shrug and he tells his girlfriend he has to go. She sighs and shoves her toungue down his throat one last time before smirking at me. Does she think I'm into him? Gross. Like bleh.

She shoves past me. Aaron puts his arm around my shoulder, "Lets go sis." we start walking away, until we hear an angry huff. "Aaron, why is your arm around her?"

He looks confused, but soon realises that she has no idea who I am. He then smirks, "Why wouldn't I Shelby? I love her." i gasp and cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"You what?" She screeches. "I love her. Why wouldn't i love my sister?" He grins.

Her face turns pale and she is speechless, "Sh-she is yo-your sister?" He nods and steps towards her and kisses her, before turning back around to me.

We walk out of the school as he shouts, "Ill text ya babe!"

I break down into a massive fit if laughter as we get into Taylors car. "What happened to her?" Taylor asks.

"She saw the coolest guy on earth do his thing." Aaron flicks his nose with his thumb.

"What? But everyone knows im the coolest guy on earth." Taylor panics. I pat both of their backs, "Guys, realise this now. You two put together couldnt even create a fraction of the coolest guy on earth. Let alone you two separately."

They shove their shoulders away and I laugh. We drive home and I pack for magcon.

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!"

Aaron and taylor enter. "Yeah?" they look at eachother, "we need to talk about magcon."

I huff, "I was expecting this. Boys off limits. No sticking my tongue down hot boys throats. Got it."

Aaron and Taylor looked at eachother, then at me, "and we mean it. No boys. None."

I nodded and they left. I watched youtube until 1130 and fell asleep thinking about Magcon.


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