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We head into one of the hotel rooms and i still haven't stopped staring. I finally look away to check Twitter. Haven't checked it in a while.

I saw you today at the airport. Being a slut with your bitchy friend. Trying to get Nash in your pants. Just accept the fact that he will never love a fat ass like you.

My mouth dropped and I almost started laughing. People are so jealous of me. I decided to reply to the comment.

@ shawnylovingmate
I. dont. care. what. you. say. Just shut up. Like no one wants you to be sneakin up on my account and trying to make me doubt myself. Shut the fuck up and have a nice day.😃😃

I looked up from my phone smiling and feeling proud of myself to see Shawn and Selina talking. I smiled. Everyone was talking to someone except me. #loner

"Hi." I smiled at Cameron, who had just come up to me, though my stomach was in knots and I was actually freaking out inside. Also, i learned that CAMERON DALLAS was Selinas brother. Who knew?

"Hey." "you look lonely." He huffed.

"Yeah. Kind of am." i replied. It was akward for the next couple minutes. I kept checking Twitter and realised how much hate I get.

"I'll be right back." I went into my hotel room slammed my back against the door. Don't cry. You're strong. They are jealous. Its not true. Its not true.

I kept looking and realised for every compliment I get, i get an insult. Yet, all i could look at was the insults. What if the boys read these? More importantly Aaron. My brother would flip out, just like he did when some guy on the football team tried to get me high.

After i collected myself, I stood up and went back to the other room. Selina wasn't there. Neither was Cameron.

"Wheres Selina and Cameron?" I asked. Their heads jerked towards the bathroom. I walked in and saw Selina crying in Camerons arms. He mouthed 'hate' to me and I realised something. She gets alot of hate too.

I sighed and had Cameron leave. I showed her my phone and she took it. "You're not alone. Its stupid. We didn't even do anything and we get all of the hate from stupid, jealous fangirls. Just Don't tell Aaron or Talyor. They would freak and make it a bigger deal than it is." i told her.

She hugged me and I hugged back. She sighed, "Maybe someone should make this a big deal."

"What?" I stood there, "We get all of the hate. Maybe our brothers could make it stop."

"No." I shook my head, "My brother cant know about this ever. He doesnt even know I get bullied. He definitely cant know about Twitter hate."

"Wait. What? You've never mentioned anything about bullying." She stood up and crossed her arms.

I stared at her, "the girls at my school can get very mean. There once was a rumor that I slept with Taylor and then gave him STDs after I had apparently slept with the entire football team. Only my friends talked to me after that and everyone else wouldn't even look at me. Yet, my brother never knew of the rumor. Everyone calls me 'easy' now and says 'how can she be a slut? Shes not even pretty'. I almost went into a depression, but pulled myself out of it."

She hugged me and I shook my head, "Im fine. You are the one that needs cheering up. Right?"

Selina shakes her head, "No. I kind of think in the 2 minutes we've been here, I got over it. I have way bigger issues."

I chuckled, "Whats your big issue now?" she punched my arm lightly, "I don't think I like Shawn in a boyfriend way. I dont know who to make my future boyfriend."

Aaron Carpenters Sister(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now