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I walked into the cafeteria, hands shaking. A couple eyes were on me. Smirks plastered on thier smug faces.

I looked away and searched for any of the guys or the girls. I spotted Andrea and Lox giggling at a table with the rest of our group. I sighed and started walking over to the table.

"Sup babe." i kissed cam and sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and we all started laughing and talking. My head rests on Cams chest.

I spot Marissa touching Nashs hand as she tries to flirt with him. I smile, knowing she won't go after cam.

I start talking to Selina about our classes. We have our last class together after lunch. "Well, since we have glee class last period. Want to go early?"

"I still can't believe someone would actually to create a glee CLASS. We all know how that show turned out." she points out. I hit her shoulder.

"So, how are you and kian?" i ask. "Were good. My brother won't let us sleep in the same room together."

"I don't think my brother really cares. He just doesn't want me pregnant or hurt." i say. Selina nods, "Listen, last year, can we talk about the whole STD stor-" Selina was cut off.

"Ah-hem." we all turn our attention towards the crowd of cheerleaders behind us. The captain Nila, was smirking. "Hi Im Nila Wellthsbee, captain of the cheerleading squad and I just wanted to welcome most you guys to our school. I mean, not all of you guys are new tho, right jenn? Andrea? Aaron? Liv? You guys came last year. Right?" she turns towards me with a smirk.

"Right" i 'smile'. "Well, im just glad you're alright Liv. Wouldn't want your new boyfriend to get sick too." her eyes linger towards cams arm wrapped around my waist. I gulp. She smiles.

"Sick?" Everyone asks, Selina, Jenn, and Andrea are the only ones who know. "She didn't tell you? About the STDs?" Nila smiles.

My eyes begin to water as Cams arm releases my waist in disgust. Nila shrugs, "I guess when you hook up with the whole football team, stuff happens. Right?" she walks away.

I stand up and rush to the girls bathroom. I lock myself in a stall and cry. On the first day of school. I knew this would happen, but instead of the guys sticking up for me and realising she is a liar, they look at me like i just admitted to murder.

I hear footsteps rush in and know its Jenn, Selina, and Andrea. "Olivia?" Selina yells. I don't respond, but just stay quiet instead. They leave and i walk out of the stall and fix myself up.

I would never hook up with the entire football team. They know that, right? I am still a freaking virgin.

I still have 10 minutes of lunch so i walk to glee early.

I smile as i walk in and realise how many people are early. All types of people. I guess I would have to make myself one of the glee characters. Maybe Rachel? She is too tiny.

Maybe I'll just make myself Tina. Non goth Tina. Yeah. Nah. I'll just be me. Selina could be...Santana? She is bad ass enough.

I walk to a chair only to be pulled out of it by Selina. "Come on. Dance with me. forget those douchebags."

I shrugged and we started dancing and chatting with some of the other people. We danced to 'she looks so perfect' by 5sos.

I probably looked like i was having a seizure. Hands and legs flailing all over the place. Class began and a pretty young guy stood infront of us. Maybe 25 or 26 years old.

Today we had to sing in front of the class. Selina sang Slip by Elliot Moss. Then, it was my turn. I sighed, walking to the front of the class. I don't have stage fright.

I started singing 'I hate you i love you'.

'feeling used
But im still missing you
And i cant see the end of this
Just want to feel your kiss agaisnt my lips
And now all this time
Is passing by
But i still can't seem to tell you why
It hurts me everytime i see you
Realize how much i need you

I hate you i love you
I hate that i love you
Don't want to but i cant put
Nobody else above you
I hate you i love you
I hate that i want you
You want her you need her
And I'll never be her

I went through the whole song and sat down. Everyone clapped like normal. "You did great." selina whispered. "So did you."

Class ended. "What am i gonna tell them?" I asked. Selina shrugged, "im not good at this whole drama thing."

"Neither am i. I like watching drama. Not being in it. Why do you think i tried to keep the rumor from Aaron? Now, not only does Aaron know, but everyone else does too?" i stressed.

"I thought senior year was when the bull shit stops." selina sat down. I sat next to her, "thats what i hoped."

"We should go find them." she states. I nod and we stand up and go to the parking lot. There they are, leaning agaisnt their cars.

Aaron walks up to us and pulls us to the side. He looks angry. "What hell was Nila talking about? STDs? Football team?"

"Last year," i sigh, "she spread a rumor saying i had slept with the entire football team, and got STDs." a tear streams down my face, "and then they said i gave Taylor STDS. I didn't tell you because i didn't want to freak out. I'm sorry."

He pulled me in for a hug and i sobbed into his chest, as he rubbed my back. We released the hug and started walking towarss them.

I know this might be dramatic, but they didn't even let me explain until they started looking atbme different. They assumed that i had STDs. And cam...he looked disgusted. Like he couldn't believe that he gad actually kissed me.

Should i be pissed? Should i just forget? I sighed, realising this will be one, drama filled year.

Soooory this was one drama filled chapter but next one wont be as dramatic. Love yall

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