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   Jenns pov

   School is starting in a week and Andrea and I decided to stay in Vegas for a week before having to start senior year. We were leaving today to go back home and decided to stop at Taco Bell first.

   We were in line ordering when the door opened and Atleast 10 people walked in. A bunch of boys. The last person to walk in was...OLIVIA!!!!

   I nudged Andreas shoulder and she saw her too. I wide grin appeared on Olivias face when she saw us but she didn't move. "OLIVIA!," i screamed running over to her and giving her a big hug. Andrea ran over and joined in.

   We realeased the hug and started laughing, everyone else kind of staring at us confused, except for Taylor and Aaron who knew who we are.

   "Guys, these are some of my bestest friends, Jenn and Andrea." Olivia introduced us.

   "Jenn and Andrea, these are my friends Hayes, Carter, Matthew, Jack gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Shawn, Kian, Jc, and some of my other BESTEST friends, Selina, Lox, Aiyana, and Breawna. And then you know obviously Taylor and Aaron." she said all in one breath and pointed to each person. I looked at the guy she called JC. He was staring at me too. I blushed and looked down.

   She walked up to a boy with a brown hair and a plaid shirt. "And this is my boyfriend, Cameron Dallas."

   Andrea and I stared at each other and then her, our mouths dropped. She smiled innocently and we all squealed and caught up over burritos and blasts. That JC guy and I kept exchanging glances until Andrea nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows. Olivia and her laughed.

   "So what are you guys doing here?" Olivia asked. "We were just here to have fun before school starts." Andrea sighs at the thought of school.

   "Yeah, well when are you coming home? We miss you." I sighed. "Today." Olivia answered, sipping her baja blast.

   My eyes lit up, "YAAY. Were coming home today too." i squealed. Olivia looked at her watch, "Actually we have to go now to catch our flights."

   Andrea checked her phone, "we should probably get going too." Andrea sighed. "What time is your flight?" i asked.


   "Well, ill see you guys on the plane. I have to round up everyone." she rolled her eyes. We all hugged and then Jenn and i left while olivia was shouting at the guys.

   Olivias pov

   Everyone got out of the car and Cameron and I held hands walking while Selina was on my other side. It took us an hour for everyone to check in their bags and go through security.

   Nash, Carter and Hayes left first and Marissa broke up with Nash right before he left. It sucked. Then, Matthew and Shawn left. Breawna and him shared a kiss. It was romantic.

   Aiyana, Breawna, Jack g, and j all left next. Breawna, Lox, Aiyana, Selina, and I shared one last big hug before they left.

   It was Selina, lox, kian, jc, Cam, Taylor and me left. Soon Aaron, Taylor, and I would have to leave. I almost cried. I had to leave my boyfriend and my bestfriend.

   Selina and I hugged for a long time and promised to meet up for fall, winter, and spring break. Selina stepped aside and was saying goodbye to Aaron and Taylor. I hugged Lox and we chatted for a bit before she stepped aside.

   Cameron started tearing as he walked up to me, making me tear up too. "I love you." he whispered as we hugged. "i love you too." our lips connected and we made out right there for atleast a good 30 seconds. We released and he kissed my forhead before walking to his sister.

   I heavily sighed before walking to Taylor and my brother. "You ok?" Taylor asked. I nodded, "i will be."

   "You know, you told us you were gonna stay away from the boys." Aaron stated, putting his arm my shoulder.

   "Did I?" i scratched my head, pretending to be confused. He just nodded, rolling his eyes playfully.

   We walked onto the plane and I saw Jenn and Andrea frantically waving their arms at me. I told aaron i was going to sit with them and he nodded.

   I sat down in the middle that they left for me for some reason. "Spill." they demanded in unison.

   "Huh?" i was confused. "How did you end up with Cameron Dallas? Any drama that might have happened. Did you have a thing with any of the other boys? We need detailed ASAP." andrea had a serious look on her face.

   I smirked and revealed everything that happened with Cam. The little thing with Nash. Breawna and Shawn. Aiyana and Matt. Their break up. Selina and Kian. Marissa and Nash. Lox and Nash.  Almost Everything. I know what youre thinking. Why would i reveal everything that happened? I didn't, like I said. I didn't reveal my problem. That would be bad. They'd give me pity.

   But by the end of my whole speech, they had squealed, awwed, gasped in horrifiedness, gagged. It was hilarious.

   We were now off the plane and all going back to my place. Yaas. Right when We got into my room I flopped down on my bed and they sat on it.

   I didnt realise i had fallen asleep until i felt whipped cream all over my face and saw Aaron, Taylor, Jenn, and Andrea all laughing. I huffes and flipped off the camera as I trudged to my bathroom and removed the whipped cream.

   I walked back into my room and everyone was sitting on my bed. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Atleast my face now smells like whipped cream."
I shrugged.

   They all chuckled. "Do you guys want to sleepover?" i asked, brushing my hair.

   They nodded eagerly. I noticed Taylor looking at Andrea while she shifted uncomfortably. Ok, let's just settle this before it escalates.

   "Andrea, you still single?" she shifted again. Jenn smirked, "nope."

   I looked at Taylors facial expression and it dropped. "Who?" i asked curiously.

   "BRYAN!!" Jenn blurted. Andrea smached he shoulder. I gasped and shook my head in disbelief. Why wouldn't she tell me?



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