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Last day of magcon
Olivias pov.

It has been 3 months since cam and i were seen together and life is just great.

The fans have finally accepted me. Were cool now. They all started #colivia

Lox and Nash are becoming really close, yet Marissa still isnt letting go of him. That slut has been here from the start and won't leave.

Aiyana and Matt have been fighting alot, especially about the future. Breawn and Shawn made a deal that they would wait for eachother. Selina and kian, well, they both live in LA so they don't have to worry. As for me and Cam, i dont think we have even discussed our future once and today is the last day of magcon.

We all walked into the venue for the last and final Magcon. It was kind of sad. I mean, it has been an amazing experience.

Selina was on my back and i was running around. She hopped off and ran away. I shrugged and looked around, letting the venue and the whole atmosphere of magcon settle in.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and i shivered. I could sense Cameron smirking.

He rested his head on my shoulder and i leaned my head agaisnt his. We have to have the future talk.

I spun around so i faced him and smiled, "we need to talk later." i whispered, leaning closer to his ear. He froze.

I stepped away and went up to Taylor, "sup tay." he rolled his eyes, smiling, "don't call me that Olive."

I glared at him and saw a magazine on the coffe table. I rolled it up and started wacking him in the arm. "DONT. EVER. CALL. ME. OLIVE. EVER."

"Ow." he complained, rubbing his arm. I smiled and lifted up to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he playfully shoved my face away.

I scoffed and flipped my hair, turning away. "Aww...dont be mad livvy." he pouted. I turned to glare at him again, "its either liv or Olivia. Not Olive. Not Livvy. Not Livver lips. Either liv or olivia. Got it?"

He nodded. I smiled and left him.

The show eventually started and Lox and Nash were rocking out by the DJ. Marissa came and started trying to grind on Nash. Like who does that at magcon? He seemed to be embarassed and Lox seemed uncomfortable.

I rolled my eyes, dancing with Selina while Aiyana glared at Matt who was talking to a fan he brought on stage. Breawna and Shawn were dancing together. It was so adorable.

Taylor, Hayes, Cameron, and Aaron were mainly talking right now while the song Ride by Somo came on.

Carter was doing body rolls which made all the girls cheer so loud. Selina and i giggled alittle.

It was the last and final q and a. We all walked to the booths. Selina and i sat with our brothers. Questions about our experience and the future were brought up. We all answered them honestly.

We said goodbye and walked backstage. There were lots of tears...from the guys.

I hugged aaron closely as he started tearing. Cameron was crying so I walked up to him and hugged him so tight, i am surprised he could breathe. I just rubbed his back until he stopped crying.

We released the hug, Stared into eachothers eyes and i realised, ihad to let him go for now. I looked down, but he took a finger and lifted up my chin and connected our lips.

"We'll make it work." he soothed. I wasn't so sure. "Most long distance doesnt work. I don't know?"

He smiled, "if you have not noticed, were not most people." he pulled me into a hug.

I nodded, finally giving in and smashed my lips onto him. He kissed back and we both released.

My cheeks went red, remembering everyone else is in the same room and saw that little scene.

I dug my face into Camerons chest, trying to hide myself. I felt him pull me tighter into his chest and that made me smile.

After we had looked around alittle bit, we all got into our cars and drove to Taco Bell.

When we got there, i froze. They were there...

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