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   2 days later
Aiyana pov(waaaat!?!?!)

   I woke up and Cam was gone. Oh yeah. We broke up last night. I rolled out of my bed and remembered Were in LA.

   Were all staying at Selinas and Cams right now. Kind of awkward. Slipping into some jeans and a plain a white shirt, I walked to the kitchen where I saw Cameron.

   "Morning." I muttered. "Morning. Listen I don't want things to be awkward. It was mutual. I still want us to be cool. Friends?" He asks holding out his hand. "Friends." I respond, grasping his hand.

   We smile at each other. "So, breakfast?" I ask, walking to the fridge and grabbing eggs.

   "Yep. I'll make pancakes." He says, grabbing pancake mix. We here yelling. Cameron sighs, "Not again. Come on."

   As I approach the stairs, the yelling gets more intense.



"YEAH YOU'RE NOT MY BOYFRIEND! but you were supposed to be my friend." She says the last part calmly.


   And then I hear a slap and run up the stairs, with Cameron right behind me. Olivia storms out and Nash just stands there.

   I shake my head and walk to Olivias room. She is dragging everything off of her dresser. "WHY DID I EVER LIKE NASH?!!?!?" She cries.

   I shrug sadly. "Come on. We'll find you someone else." She just looks away, "all the good guys are taken. I only liked one other guy and hes taken."

   "Not anymore. If you're talking about Cam, we broke up last night. It was mutual. Were still friends."

   She runs up to me and hugs me tightly. "Im sorry," she whispered, "i didn't know."

   I shrug, "I think i might like someone else. I mean, I've always had a crush on him, but i fell for cam. But cam and I are better as friends, then a couple."

   "Who?" She raises an eyebrow. "Matthew." I whisper. She stares at me and then laughs. I push her and she sighs, sad again.

   I hug her, "Nash is a douche. If he wants to date a slut, then he can. I personally loved it when you dumped food on them. They had it coming." i started laughing.

   I heard her stomach growl. "Lets get you some breakfast." I smile. She tenses up and shakes her head no rapidly.

   Hmmm, "Why not?" I ask. "Not hungry." She huffs. "You haven't been 'hungry' in 2 days. Are you sick?"

   She shrugs. Rolling my eyes, I walk out of the room and go downstairs. Cameron is still talking with Nash and so I make breakfast for everyone.

   Grabbing a pan and a metal big spoon, I run upstairs and bang the spoon on the pan yelling, "Its breakfast! Downstairs now!!"

   All the boys and girls rush downstairs, pushing and shoving each other, except Nash, Cam, Selina and Olivia.

   "Downstairs now." I say sternly. Olivia rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath that i cant hear.

   Selina jumps on Olivias back and Olivia charges down the stairs, laughing. Nash pushes past me and I walk with Cam.

   We get downstairs and everyone is stuffing their faces, except Olivia who is entertaining them by laughing uncontrollably, while people say random words to make her laugh even harder.

   Selina is recording it all. Breawna is trying to help her stop, but its not working. Nash is smiling, trying not to laugh.

   Olivia notices, and stops laughing immediately. Clearing her throat, she announces she will be watching Sponge Bob.

   I roll my eyes and sit down to eat. Aaron looks nervous. I nudge his shoulder, "Whats wrong?"

   He looks at Olivia, then at her plate which still is covered with food. Aaron gets up and walks to her. Wouldnt want to be apart of that conversation.

   "Thanks sis." my brother says, walking up the stairs with Johnson. I look over and Cam is done and walked over to Aaron and Olivia. This isn't good, but I know not to confront Olivia. Selina looks at me and Breawna. Lox is at some DJ thing today.

   We all listen to their conversation. "IM FINE. JUST NOT HUNGRY."

   Aaron leaves angry and Cam just looks at her, then leaves. Someone taps on my shoulder and I turn to see Matt.

   "Hi." He breathes. "Hey" I smile. "So this has been one heck of a morning." Matt sighs. I nod, "she is just being stubborn."

   "Hey, lets forget about her. Wanna go in the pool?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I nod, "i have to clean up first."

   "I'll help." He says, walking into the kitchen. I smile to myself and follow him. We blast the radio and start screaming YOUTH, by Troye Sivan.

   We dance all around while scrubbing dishes and wiping counters. I slip on a rag and fall, but he catches me right before i hit the ground. We look into eachothers eyes and he lifts me up to him. Our lips were about to connect, when we heard a door slam.

   He lifts me all the way up and I brush my self off, and stand there awkwardly. "Pool?" He asks. I smile and nod, "pool."

   I run and get on a dark blue 2 piece and flip flops. Once outside, i lye down on a chair, just so he could lift me into the pool. Im smart.

   "Get in the pool!" he shouts. I shake my head no. He sighs and runs up to me swooping me up bridal style. "Matt!!! Stop!!! Put me down!" Matt, keep going, dont put me down.

   He flashes his award winning smile at me and tosses me in. I land on my back and it hurts, but i dont care.

   He does a flip in and is shirtless. I am in heaven.

   I swim away and he chases me and holds me in his arms, "hi." "hey."

   We lean in and our lips connect, slow and passionate. "LIKE A VIRGIN, BEING TOUCHED FOR THE FIRST TIME!" "FIRST TIIME!"

   Matt and I stop and look at Olivia and Selina laughing. "Thanks guys." Matt says.

   "Your welcome." they say in unison. I flip them off and they flip their hair. I shake my head and they both jump in the pool, Breawna following them.

   The boys soon notice and next thing we all know, Every one is in the pool. We are all splashing around. I look at Olivias stomach. Even in a one piece, you can tell its all ribs. What?

   Matt shakes me out of my thoughts, when he puts his arms around my waist, making me shiver. I spin around and smile at him.

   Maybe i should tell some one. How am I the only one who noticed she is starving herself. She becoming annorexic if she isn't already.

   I shake it off for now and wait til matt turns around so I can jump on his back. Cam is staring at Livs stomach too. Finally, some one notices.




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