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   Selinas pov

   We just got to the hotel were staying at for magcon. Tomorrow night is my date. Yaaaas. Ive been waiting years. Maybe a week, but still, its a long time.

   My brother has been making sure I eat. I don't know why. I always eat all the time. Eating is life. Literally.

   I'm the only one who is helping olivia. No one else does anything except stare. Its rude.

   Anyways, i am having her take her mind off of things by helping me on my date. She IS the fashionista of it all. Aiyana makeup. Breawna hair. Olivia outfit. And lox is accessories and conversation manners.

   Shawn and I are really good friends and Matt and I are friends.

   When i met kian, i instantly noticed his dark brown hair and how fluffy and shiny it is. Olivia and I have this thing where we always intently pay attention to the guys hair.

   "Sup bestie. We have to share a bed." She tells me. "No biggie." i say. We both look at each other and nod. We run to the bed and jump on it.

   She sighs, staring at the ceiling. Carter, Hayes, and Matt run in and jump on us. "Get offf." She whines.

   Carter is sitting on her upper stomach. Matt is sitting on my lower stomach and hayes is lying across our legs.

   "Yeah." I pout. Matt smiles and gets comfy. I push him off and he falls on the floor and i kick hayes off. Carter is tickling her stomach and she pushes him off.

   "Ill be right back." she tells me, heading towards the door. I smile, looking at her stomach. She is gaining alittle bit of weight back to her stomach. Just a week ago, she was all ribs and bone.

   Nash is still dating the whore from the restaurant and she is coming on tour with us now. They are making out in the hall and Liv turns around and pretends to gag, looking at me and i mouth 'i know'. She walks away and i lay back down, looking back at the ceiling.

   After a couple minutes, I get up and see Matt and Aiyana making out in the hall. I gag. They are a cute couple and stuff, just does it have to be in the hallway?

   Cam doesnt seem to care, becuase as I walk into his hotel room, he is staring at Olivia who is talking to Breawna. "Wheres lox?" I ask.

   "In the bathroom, with Jacob. Hes helping her, she got a cut." Johnson said. I nod and sit down next to Gilinsky and Brent. "Sup?" Brent says.

   "Bored as fuck." i respond. "Same." Gilinsky and Brent say.

   I just shake my head and think about tomorrow night. Kian, me, no brother, no embarrassing friends. Just me and him. The person ive been dyeing to be with for 6 months.

   I hear a slam and see Marissa pushes Nash agaisnt the door and they are going at it, while Nash is looking at Olivia, probably trying to make her jealous for some reason.

   Olivia just looks confused and embarassed. "Get a room!" Taylor shouts, throwing trail mix at him, "I dont want to baurgh in this nice hotel room."

   Marissa smirks at her and she is still confused. I laugh to myself. "What are you laughing at?" Marissa asks me. "Just a slut who acts like a rude bitch" I tell her.

   Everyone looks shocked. "What did you just say?" marissa asks.

   "Youre a bitch and a slut" i state in a 'duh' tone. "Are you gonna let her speak to me like that Nashy? I mean first that bitch pours food on us" she points to liv, "and now she is making fun of me, are you gonna let them get away with that Nashy?" she points to me and then both of us.

   Liv and I cross our arms and look at Nash, signaling him to choose wisely. "Knock it off, both of you. She is my girl friend."

   "What happened to the guy who helped me that night and cuddled with me." liv asks angry as hell.

   "He stopped being that guy when you became an annorexic unstable bitch." he answered, just as angry, until he realised probably what he said. He looked guilty. Marissa smirked, while everyone else gasped.

   Liv looked at him like he just admitted to murdering her parents. Sorry, but angry and hurt.

   She sighed, walking out of the room. "Wait-" Nash shouted, running after her. Aaron tried to run after him, but i stopped him, "They need to talk this out." he nodded.

   I sat down still in shock. So did everyone else.

   They came back 15 minutes later, tears streaking their faces and their eyes red and puffy.

   Liv sat down in silence. So did Nash. "Lets go to the beach?" Cam asked. Everyone nodded and got bathing suits on and met up in Cams room again. As Every one left, Cam pulled liv back and I couldn't help but listen to their conversation.

   "Can we talk?" Cam asked. "About what?"

"Dont listen to Nash. You're not any of those things."
"Yeah i am. I poured food on them."
"They deserved it. Youre beautiful."
"No im not."
"Yeah you are."
   She sniffled. I eventually looked in the tiny crack in between the wall and door.

   She looked like she was crying. He was hugging her, telling her it would be alright. They both looked up and into each others eyes and started leaning in. Their lips connected and it started getting more and more intense.

   They pulled away and laughed, "lets go." Cam said. She nodded and he put his arm around her, while they started walking towards the door.

   I sprinted towrds the group and started talking to lox. Nash was walking with the bitch.

   We all walked to the beach and all the girls lyed down on towels. The guys jumped into the water. A bunch of hot buff guys came by and whistled at us. We all rolled our eyes.

   I got up and headed towards the ocean. One of the guys wrapped his arm around me and i slapped it away. "Come on, babe."

   "Im not your babe." i snapped. He grabbed my ass and i scoffed. "Get off." he snaked his arm around my waist and held tight.

   "Hey, get off her prick!" I whipped my head to see my brother running towards us.

   "Who are you? The boyfriend?" the stranger smirked. Cameron clenched his jaw, "the brother."

   "Oh yeah, youre viner boy, the pretty boy who has no talents." the guy chirped.

   Cam looked furious. We heard a scream, "GET OFF ME YOU FUCKING DOUCHEBAG!!" Olivia screamed.

   "Feisty one. I like." the guy continued touching her. She kicked him right in the balls and as he fell over in pain, she spit on him.

   We all started laughing and the guy groping me walked away to his friend. Cameron was still mad. Liv walked up to him and they hugged.

   I still felt the guys grimy hands all over me and I shivered. You know whats weird, is all i could think about was that kian would never treat me like this. I was in love. I sighed happily, following everyone into the water.


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