Chapter 3

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I was looking threw my closet for something to wear. Frustrated, I grabbed a pair or skinnies and a hoodie that said 'YMCMB'.
I didn't care if this was not presentable, I wasn't going to get ready for some people that I didn't know or as a matter of fact even care about.
I walked into the washroom and took a long shower, taking my sweet time. After 30 minutes of a relaxing shower  I finally got out of the washroom. I changed into my clothes I picked out  and straightened my hair.
There I told myself, that's presentable enough. I heard voices from downstairs so I guessed the guest have already arrived. I made my way down the stairs, I knew mom would be upset because the guest had already arrived and I was just now ready, so I rushed down the stairs not looking where I was going.

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I took a fast shower, then changed into a red hoodie with black skinnies, red surpras and a hat that said 'YOLO'. I made my way down the stairs in less then 10 minutes.
Mom and I headed out, taking the car. The car ride was about five minutes, they lived pretty close to our house. We knocked on there door and a lady, around my moms age, answered the door.
Making our way in the strangers house, I took in notice that everything was new and there were plenty of moving boxes, guessing they must have moved in.
I sat alone on the love seat, While my mom was talking to the lady, I was getting extremely bored.
Where was this girl that lived here? I really needed the washroom, I couldn't hold it any longer.
"Umm, excuse mame but may I use your washroom?" I asked politely.
"Sure sweet heart, the washroom is upstairs. Just walk up the stairs and it'll be on the left."
"Thanks." I smiled making my way up the stairs not looking where I was going because I was too focused on how much I needed the washroom.
Baam I bumped straight into someone

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I was making my way down the stairs, when I bumped into someone and they fell on top of me.
"What the hell!" I shrieked looking up I faced Justin- effin- Bieber.

Could my luck have gotten any worse. Did god hate me this much.
This had to be one of those pranks where they bring the cameras out at the end, or some sick joke because what the actually hell was Justin Friggen Bieber doing in my house.
"watch where you're going." I spat with anger

"Me?! You're the one who bumped into me." He fought back

"Excuse you. I didn't bump into you, you bumped into me. This is my house!" I screamed getting more and more frustrated, he knew how to get under her skin

"Hey, aren't you that girl that beat me at the basketball court today?"

"Yes I am, now can you get off me captain obvious" He laughed

"Sure shawty, right after you say sorry for bumping into me."

"You're the one who bumped into me! I'm not saying sorry, you should say sorry!" I wanted to pull my hair out. h
He was annoying me on purpose.

"I don't say sorry shawty, I'm Justin Bieber and I'm not getting off of you 'till you say sorry."

"I don't give a damn about who you are, I'm not saying sorry 'cause this is completely your fault, so say sorry and get off of me prick."

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