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*5 years later*

I twirled in my gorgeous white dress it's was strapless, and long. I was spinning around in the white sparking cloth.

"It's beautiful" I smiled bright

It's been 5 years since Justin and I were together.
I few months ago he proposed me.

I couldn't he any happier, my life was complete.

I was going to marry the love if my life today.

It still felt like I was dreaming, or living in some fantasy.

I smiled as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was a dressed up ready for my wedding day.

I felt so elegant, beautiful, and blessed.

Today was the day I was going marry the love of my life.

"Hunny are you ready all the guest have arrived" I heard my mom shout

"Yes" I shouted making my way out of the dressing room.

My mom gasped as she looked at me

"You look so beautiful baby. I can't believe my baby girl is getting married today." She said. I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"Don't cry mom, If you cry I'm going to start crying"

She laughed

"I know, I know but it's just so hard to see my baby grow up" she kissed my cheek

I gave her a big hug

"Mom no matter how old I get I will always love you"

"I will always love you too, don't forget that okay" she said hugging me back

"Okay, now let's stop with this emotional family moment, I feel like my make-up is starting to smudge"

she laughed

"I still can't believe you agreed on wearing that dress with all this make-up, your not that tom-boy you use to be."

I gasped "No, I'm still a tom-boy, pass me a basket ball and I'll show you what I'm made of"

"Okay, okay" she laughed

"Let's go, Justin waiting for you"

I squealed as I held her hand and walked out.

The church had huge; it was decorated with streamers, balloons everywhere.

There has a large red carpet with rose petals on the floor, guest seated around in chairs.

I could see Justin at the end of the aisle. He was standing in his black tuxedo, looking more handsome than ever, his hair was spiked. He looked at me giving me a bright smile and I returned it.

I looked around till I spotted Jaxon and Jazzy.

Jaxon was in a cute black tuxedo, and Jazzy was wearing a cute white dress.
Jazzy was holding a basket of flower pedals, representing the flower girl and Jaxon was the ring bearer, I awed at them.

My smile got wider, as my mom held my hand and walked me down the aisle.

All my friends and family where all here settled down in chairs around the church.

I spotted Chaz, Ryan, Jessica and Jack seated in the front row along with Justin's crew. They all gave me bright smiles which I returned.

I made my way to the stage where the priest and Justin stood.

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