Chapter 27

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I was making my way to school grounds.Today was Valentines Day, the most romantic day of the year. Its when the guy of your dream tells you they like you and blah blah.

I'm done trying. I'm done with all this love. After the night Justin and I almost kissed, I realized that I was wrong all along. I was wrong to ever think me and Justin would ever be a couple. I was wrong to think Justin had feelings for me. I was all wrong.

He missed Selena. He still had feelings for Selena.

To think he'd ever like me. She wins, Selena wins I give up I'm done. He will never feel anything as close to what I feel for him. I just had to move past my feelings. I had to stop thinking about Justin in a romantic way. He was just my best friend. That's it.

Walking through the crowded hallway I spotted my friend Jessica

"Hey Jessica" I said smiling at her

"Heyy we haven't talked in the longest time" She squealed

"Ya sorry there's been a lot on my mind"

"A lot meaning Justin Bieber" She smirked

Just hearing his name made me blush. No Kelsey he's just your friend. I told myself

"W-what no i have all this homework-"

"Girl I'm your best friend plus I just saw you blush"

She won. Maybe I should tell her she is my best Friend.

"Okay fine, but you can't tell anyone and I mean
No One"

"Oh My God! I knew it!
I was right all along okay now spill tell me everything"
She squealed

"There's nothing to tell you I like him, a lot but he doesn't feel the same way" I said with no emotion

"What happen between you too? I know something happen" She questioned

"I- ummhealmostkissedme"
I said really fast

"Girl s l o w down"

"He almost kissed me yesterday night, it was probably the best thing that's ever happen to me, then Chaz walked in and he told me it was a mistake and that he missed Selena"

"What?! I will punch him in the face right now. How could he do that to you"

"It's fine it was a mistake"
I said blankly

"No Kelsey, I can tell you really like him or even more, and as a Friend, I think you should forget about him. No offence, but millions of girls in the world like him. For example, I like him but the chance of him liking me back is one in a million. I think you should move on and go on a date with a guy that actually likes you. I'm sorry I'm coming out so blunt but I'm your friend and I don't want to see you getting hurt"

Taking in every word she said hurt to be honest, but she was right. Millions of girls liked Justin and I was just one from the million. There was no chance he'd like me back. She was right all this time I've been living in my daydreams praying and hoping for Justin to like me back when nothing like that would ever happen.

"Your right Jess, Thanks. I now understand. If you hadn't been so blunt id still be stuck in my dream world waiting for Justin to like me back but your right, I should move on" I said giving her a big hug

"No problem now let go of me because I can't breath"

"Thanks Jess" I laughed

"I'm gonna head to class,
I have Mr.Smith he hates it when I'm late"

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