Chapter 11

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"Come on kelse were best Friends tell me please"

I stayed quite thinking and then I just burst

"I--uh CHAZ"

Justin face expression was shocked, his jaw dropped.

"You and Chaz. Wait Chaz my friend, Chaz Sommers"

I bit my lip and slowly nodded

"Kelse why didnt you tell me before I'm so happy for you" he came over and hugged me

"I-- um-thanks"

I managed to choke out, I hated lying to him but I was so mad that Justin liked someone else and not me I wanted to make him feel jealous, that I was going out with someone, but he wasn't jealous he was happy for me.

Justin and Chaz are best Friends he's obviously gonna talk to him and if he ask him about me being his girlfriend, I'm died. If he figured out that I Lied to him about me going out with Chaz he'd probably be so mad he'd probably think I was so desperate that I made up a lie about going out with Chaz.

Justin spoke breaking the awkwardness and also my thoughts

"So how are things between you to"

"There good"

I faked smiled

"So since me and Selena are and a thing and you and Chaz are a thing why don't we go on a double date"

I started to panic.

"I don't think that's a good idea"

I managed to say

"Come on, you could meet Selena and we both get to go on dates with people we like and get know more about each other it would be a wonderful idea I think we should go tomorrow, ya tomorrow would be perfect ill just call Chaz and tell him-"

"NO" I screamed out

Justin stared at me giving me a wired look

"I mean no, I want to tell him by myself" I said trying to sound as clam as possible

"Okay so is there anything else you wanted to talk to me about 'cause you said you wanted to tell me something important"

I bit my lip

"No Justin, I don't need to tell you anything else, I got the answer to my question and, now I understand"

I got the answer that Justin doesn't like me the way I like him and I can't change that so i Just had to move on from all my feelings I felt towards him.

"What's that suppose to mean" Justin asked curious

"Nothing, just forget I even said anything" I faked smiled

"Okay then, Well it's getting late I better get-"

Before he finished his sentence His phone interrupted him.

"One sec, I got to take this"

He said answering his phone

I just nodded awkwardly listening to his conversation with the whoever.

"Hey babe, how's it going"

I was standing there awkwardly eavesdropping, he called however he was talking to babe.

"Aww is everything okay"

Then it clicked he was talking to Selena my heart sank.

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