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  I woke up with a terrible feeling in my stomach. I felt like I could lay there and just die at the moment. Sadly before I would allow that to happen, I at least want to know where the hell I am. Wait, what's my name? Of course that's just something else to confuse me more. 

My lovely thoughts got cut off short as the giant metal elevator thing I was in came to a quick halt. I grasped the closest thing to me to steady myself, which happened to be a giant wooden box. I sank to the floor and hid behind the box as light began to peer through the roof.
'Where am I? Someone help me please...' I whimpered to myself as I thought of what might happen next. 

I heard voices, male voices. Of course I couldn't see, I was hiding behind a box. It completely blocked out my vision of what was next to come. 

"Is there no greenie?" One voice asked.
"This is new." another one exclaimed.
"I was hoping for a new friend..." One kind of mumbled.
"Good, don't need anymore slintheads screwing us over even more." One said.

I growled lowly at the last remark, whoever said that is already on my punch list. I stood up and immediately squinted my eyes as the light from above blinded me. I heard many gasps from all around me and as my vision cleared I realized they were all boys. I awkwardly stared up at the group as they all stared down, not exactly knowing what to do. One thing for sure is that I want out and away from them all.

I decided it was time to get out of the metal box that is forever known to me as the pits of hell. I jumped up and gripped the side of the box and lifted myself onto the ground. I stood up and looked at them all. 

"Where the hell am I?" I asked, glaring through the crowd.

"Welcome to the glade." Someone said gently beside me.
I got startled and whipped around to see that there was indeed someone standing beside me.

"Earth to greenie, come on shank you keep zoning out." An Asian looking guy chuckled as he waved his hand in front of my face. 

I grabbed his hand and looked at him clueless.
"Pardon?" I asked, not having payed attention. 

He pulled his hand away in return and laughed at my confused state.  "I'm Minho, nice to meet you shank! You seem like someone I could get used to." He said, winking at his last sentence. 

I grinned and shook his hand, which is weird since it seemed a little too formal but oh well. 

The guy standing beside me turned to the crowd and began to shout."Get back to work! Everyone resume their jobs! Gally, help get the supplies from the box." He motioned to the angry guy and then the pits of hell. 

'Gally.... I doubt we will get along.... the box is what it's called? That's quite simple...' I thought to myself again, zoning out. 

The guy beside me gave me a light slap on the back, which snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Welcome greenie! I'm Newt! Do you remember anything?" He asked, looking curious. 

Now that I was close to his face he was actually really cute. How close we were made me blush and I looked down at my feet, suddenly feeling self conscious. I shook my head, slightly feeling sad that I can't remember my own name. He seemed to sense that. 

"Don't worry love, no one remembers their name on the first day." He told me. 

'So i'm not an idiot. Why does he call me love? I thought the hand shake was weird but this...I quite like it...'

He smiled and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.  "Are you hungry?" he asked sheepishly. 

I nodded my head vigorously as I suddenly realized just how starving I actually was. He laughed and put an arm around my shoulders, leading me towards a building I could only assume was the kitchen.  

His Greenie ~TMR~ Newt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now