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     I have been at the glade for a while now. There have been a few more newbies after me, but still no girl. It sucks being the only girl, but I have learned to just deal with it at this point. 

     Gally and I aren't on the best of terms either, quite a lot has happened between the both of us because of our arguments. I got put in the slammer for a week, then he did, they threatened to banish us both, threatened to keep us in the slammer, and more. It is really stupid how they expect everyone to get along in a giant box full of strangers. We aren't living in a fucking Disney movie, grow up. Especially with a guy like Gally being here. Then again, I guess it is better to have one guy like Gally instead of a ton. Doesn't matter though, I still hate him.

     Currently I was in the homestead listening to all the keepers as they decided what to do with Gally and I AGAIN. This is getting old.

     "I say we put them in the slammer together until they learn to get along." Winston suggested.

     Winston is a cool guy, until he argues about what to do with you at a keepers meeting. Then he can become an ass.

     "Bloody hell no. I understand that they fight a lot, but if we put them together only one will walk out." Newt said.

     "Yeah, it would be (Y/N!)" Frypan shouted and ran up and gave me a high five.

     I laughed and nodded my head, earning a glare from Gally.

     "I would rip your fucking head off." Gally growled while looking at me.

     "Bloody try it." Newt said and stepped closer to Gally.

     "Now now Newt this is a meeting about (Y/N) and Gally, you don't want a punishment again because of this shank now do you?" Minho asked while gesturing to Gally.

     Newt hung his head and backed up.

     "Watch what you say slinthead. Newt may be the 'caring one' of the glade but if he had to, he would kill. You haven't even begun to see him angry." Minho said to Gally.

     I shivered a little at the thought of Newt being completely angry. That means that the day I saw him fight Gally, that wasn't nearly as bad as he can actually get. I looked down at the ground, thinking about how angry he can really be. 

     "How about we make one of them a runner? That way one is outside the glade for the day so they aren't around each other as much." Zart said with a slight grin.

     "It should be (Y/N), she hasn't got a job yet. That and I doubt we should trust Gally in the maze." Winston added.

     Everyone broke into an argument and started yelling. Except for me, I froze in my spot at what Winston suggested. Me, being a runner. They really do want to kill me! Might as well banish me now.

     "Bloody hell! I am not letting her into the maze!" Newt yelled and everyone went quiet in shock.

     He blushed at the realization of what he just said, and sat back down.

     "Seems like a good idea to me." Alby suddenly said.

     Newt glared at him. Newt actually glared at him, he has to be pissed.

     "I am not allowing her out there." Newt growled and stood up again.

     "She can have a partner to run with if it makes you feel better Newt. Other then that this seems like the best option for the both of them." Alby explained while pointing to Gally and me.

     Newt was about to protest, but stayed quiet and sat back down. 

     A minute or so later everyone had voted. I am officially a runner.

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