The End?

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     I was woken up by Minho smacking my arm harshly multiple times. I groaned and sat up, swatting his hand away in the process. A couple of the men who saved us earlier gripped my arms and rushed me towards a giant building. I turned my head just in time to see one of them about five or so meters away from me, shoot something. Something that looked human, but at the same time obviously was not. I was so shocked I froze for a second, and I almost fell over with the other two people who were harshly gripping my upper arms. 

     The doors to the building shut, the last thing I saw was the people on the other side shooting those...things. I sighed and rubber my upper arms, red hand prints appeared where the two men were gripping me before. I walked over to Newt quickly and gripped his hand. He grinned and intertwined our fingers. I wasn't quite sure what our relationship was at the moment, but I knew I was feeling a lot more comfortable around him again. 

     Some guy walked up to our little group of gladers and began talking. I tuned out everything he said and did nothing but stare around the room. I quit once I realized that our group had began walking, thanks to a tug at my hand from Newt. I awkwardly smiled and walked beside him, we were taking up the back of the group. The only thing I could think about at that moment was whatever those things were outside. 


          After getting a shower and a fresh change of clothes we were all taken to what I suppose was a cafeteria to eat. 

     "I will admit they have some decent food here, but still not as good as Frypan's." I grinned and looked over at Frypan, he smiled and winked in return. 

     We were all having a wonderful time, for once. I still had a lot of questions, but this was for sure the first time that we have all really been treated so i'm gonna sit back and relax. Thomas, on the other hand, won't stop complaining. Going on about what if we weren't safe or every other possibility in the world. I've lived my whole life, or at least since I could remember, on what if's and for once i'm actually not overthinking and Thomas has taken my place. 

     "Thomas, dude, calm down a bit. This is the first time we all have been able to enjoy an actual shower, or just even be in a building that's not made out of sticks. Nothing here has shown any signs of danger so far, so for now just stay low. We don't need them knowing that your getting suspicious, there is absolutely no telling what kind of shit that might cause." I sighed and looked over at the anxiety filled boy. 

     "First off, watch your mouth little lady," Minho began with a wink, making me shake my head. "But I do agree, Thomas nothing has happened yet. We deserve to chill for once in our lives. A lot of us haven't had that opportunity."

     "Some of us a lot longer than others." Newt finished off.

     Thomas sighed and placed his head in his hands. "I just have this feeling that something is going to happen."

     "And if something does happen then we have each other. Thomas we made it through the damn maze, I think that shows that we can handle a lot. There is no danger as of now, so there isn't a reason to try and cause it." I responded, patting his head awkwardly. He sighed and I combed my fingers through his hair, making it stick up weirdly everywhere. I giggled and pulled my hand away, leaving his hair like that. 

     "Alright fine, whatever, but don't mess up my hair again." Thomas said, lifting his head and patting his hair back down. 

     "Well now you're starting to sound like me, but good that." Minho grinned and slapped Thomas on the shoulder. 


     After we ate it was then time for all of us to go to bed. Surprisingly, they actually let me stay in a room with the gladers. Me being the only girl, I expected to be placed somewhere else. Newt and I were currently sitting in one of the corners of the room, carrying on our own little conversation as everyone else was too. 

     "So, now that we're out what's next?" Newt whispered his question. 

     "You ask me that like i'm supposed to know the answer to your question."

     "Well, what's your thoughts?" He continued.

     "I have no thoughts so far. I'm gonna keep it low and not question anything until there is a reason to." I answered and leaned against the wall, him sitting across from me and staring. 

     "Well, what's your thoughts on us?" 

     "Whatcha mean?" 

     "Well, after everything when we were in the glade, I'm not quite sure where our relationship stands. "Newt explained, while looking down and messing with his hands. 

     "Newt, I still want to be with you. After everything that happened I just needed some space for a little while." I smiled and gripped his hands to stop his nervous act. 

     "Well, how about starting over?" He grinned and intertwined our fingers once more. 

     "I'd like that." I grinned and leaned in to hug him, him doing the same thing. That's pretty much how we spent the rest of the night, in each other's arms.


Das ist the end (idk German shush). Anyways...I don't know what to say. I guess thanks to the people who actually read and enjoyed it, shout out to you! Anyways, I probably won't write any other Newt stories, still a fan but I do have other interests. If I do write anything else about the Maze Runner then it will definitely be on another story. My other Newt story still needs to be complete and YOU CAN ALWAYS REQUEST ON MY TMR ONESHOTS. Like seriously no one ever requests on those, it's sad. I'm probably gonna delete some of my other stories, although I doubt anyone cares. Are you still reading at this point? WELP I'M GONNA GO, I HOPE YOU ENJOYED AND IT WOULD BE LOVELY IF YOU WOULD VOTE FOR ME MY BOO. 


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