The Job Isn't Important

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     I woke up to a face hovering above me. I jumped a little realizing that the face was indeed not Newt. It was still very dark, so I couldn't really see anything. I looked closer to see that Minho was hovering above me. He had his finger held to his lips, signaling me to be quiet. I nodded and rose from the hammock, careful to not wake anyone. I was about to stand up when Newt's arm pulled my waist closer to him. I groaned and ripped his arm away from my waist. He groaned and rolled over slightly, cuddling himself in the process. I grinned at how cute he was and finally stood up. Minho and I walked out of the homestead and I realized that it was before the normal time to get up. 

     "Why did you wake me up before regular time?" I asked while glaring at him.

     "Because, slinthead, we have to get you ready for the maze so we aren't late." he said.

     I frowned at the mention of the maze.

     'Oh yeah, i'm a shucking runner...' I thought to myself.

     "I thought Alby said that you weren't supposed to take me out until tomorrow. He said that he wanted me to have one day before i'm forced into the bloody maze." I said with my hands on my hips.

     Minho placed his hands on his hips with a smug grin. He smirked and 'flipped' his hair.

     "Well princess, sorry to rain on your nonexistent parade, but your going today anyways." he said with as much sarcasm as possible.

     I giggled but still punched his shoulder a little.

     "In all seriousness though, we gotta get you ready to go before the others wake up." he said and motioned for me to follow him.

     We jogged into the woods for a couple minutes before we came upon the map room. I looked at it up and down before finally entering through the door.

     "Here are the shoes. Really be happy to have these after you get used to the job." he grinned and looked through them.

     "Some of the shoes are unisex, so it has a girls size on it." he said and went through those. 

     I nodded and checked my shoe for it's size.

     "My shoe size is a six." I said.

     "Damn you have small feet." He said while holding up a pair of shoes.

     I frowned and grabbed them from him.

     "Better then having your fucking Sasquatch feet." I growled.

     He frowned and shoved me. I glared at him and put the shoes on. They were actually pretty comfortable. They were just plain black shoes, no fancy design or anything.

     "Good enough. Now, here are the watches. Never take it off, except for the shower for obvious reasons, but still. This watch could save your life or end it, so keep track of it." He said and handed me one.

     I tightened it around my wrist and nodded to him. He grinned and we walked out of the map room.

     "I already have your bag packed, so we will come back for that. For now everyone should be awake so let's go and wait for Frypan to finish breakfast." he said as we appeared into the open area of the glade.

     We continued walking to the kitchen where most of the gladers were already sitting and talking. I walked over to where Newt and Chuck were sitting. I took a seat beside Newt and smiled at Chuck. Chuck smiled and i looked as Minho sat beside him. Minho winked at me, which I made a confused look to.

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