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     After chasing Minho around, and eventually catching him, it was pretty late. When I caught him I tackled him and we wrestled for a good 20 minutes or so. I, of course, won with a victorious pin. It wasn't counted as hurting him because we were only wrestling. Frypan counted to three once I pinned him and the gladers shouted and lifted me off the ground. I blushes and pulled away from them all, setting myself onto the ground. I ran to Newt and smiled up at him. He smiled and leaned in. Before I could process the moment, he kissed me. He pulled away, it was simply a peck, and held me close. 

     We stood there cuddling while the crowd started to disappear little by little. Minho came by and congratulated me on the win. I smiled and waved to him. He winked at me and began to walk off towards the map room. Sometimes I question what he does in there. I sat there thinking and began zoning out, I tend to do that a lot. I snapped out of it when I felt Newt nuzzle his face into my neck, kissing up and down the side of my jaw and down to my collar bone. He stopped there and looked up at me with tired eyes. I smiled and patted his head, giggling a little as I did. 

     "How about we head to bed and get some sleep?" Newt asked and stared at me.

     "I would love to, but where am I gonna sleep?" I asked, because once again we didn't get my hammock set up.

     He sat there in thought before sighing and looking back down at me. He grabbed my hand and led me to the homestead without saying a word. I was confused but followed him anyways. When we got to the homestead most people were asleep. I saw a few people walking around the glade, but not many. 

     Newt led me to his hammock and smiled a little. 

     "You can sleep in mine again, hopefully tomorrow we will remember to set yours up." he smiled and sat on the floor beside me.

     I frowned and pulled at his arm. He looked up at me a little confused and I pouted. He blushed at the face I was making and stared at me, as if he was waiting for me to say something.

     "Don't sleep on the floor. It's your hammock, and I slept on it last night. You take the hammock and I will sleep on the floor." I smiled and began to sit up, but he stopped me.

     He pushed me back into the hammock and held up his hand.

     "No way in hell am I letting you sleep on the floor, deal with it." He said and began to lay back on the floor.

     I frowned and pulled him up by the collar of his sweater. He looked surprised and his eyes went wide. I pulled him onto the hammock with me and smiled as he awkwardly moved. We finally got fixed where he was laying with my head on his chest. My hands were resting under my head and his hands rested on my back. 

     This is a lot more comfortable then I would have thought. I figured it would be too close and awkward, but it is actually quite nice. I sat there zoning out when Newt waved a hand in my face. 

     "Earth to (Y/N), you zone out a lot. Anyways, I said goodnight." Newt said.

     I blushed because he caught me zoning out again. He laughed and hugged me tighter, and then kissed my forehead. I smiled and nuzzled my face into his chest.

     "Goodnight Newt." I whispered and smiled.

     "Goodnight love." He replied and hugged me close.

     Not even a minute later I was sound asleep in his arms. 

His Greenie ~TMR~ Newt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now