Trying Out Jobs

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     I groaned as I pulled out weeds dug deep into the ground. Track-hoe is not my thing dude. I am so bad at gardening. It has only been a couple hours and I flattened the flowers planted, dropped and busted a ton of potatoes, ripped carrots in half while pulling them from the ground, and ruining the perfect rich soil by scraping it with a rake. This is obviously not the job I am gonna get. I hate it so much, it is so boring. Plus, it gets really hot working in the sun for hours with no break, something I will probably never get used to. I pass out easy, and get dizzy really easy so I would rather not get this job.

     Zart walked over to me and told me it was time for lunch, so I could take a break and eat. Man was I happy to hear that. I ran to the kitchen where Frypan and many others were standing around talking and eating. I grabbed my food and sat down at a table with Newt, Chuck, and Minho. My three best friends. I sat beside Chuck and fluffed up his hair. He glared at me and pouted, which only made me laugh. He nudged me and fixed his hair. I smiled and began eating. The moment I took the first bite of my sandwich is when I realized that I was extremely hungry. I ate the sandwich fast and greedily, then drank my whole cup of water. Once I finished I looked up to see all three boys staring at me in disbelief. I gave them a cheeky smiled and chuckled as my face went red.

     "What?" is all I could manage to ask.

     "Oh nothing, just the fact that you managed to finish a whole shucking sandwich and glass of water in less than thirty seconds." Minho said and laughed.

     I frowned and looked at them confused.

     "Is that weird or something? Seemed easy for me." I said, mumbling the last part.

     Newt gave me a smile and grabbed my hand.

     "It is completely normal love. Minho here was just being a sarcastic slinthead as usual." Newt said and elbowed Minho in the torso.

     Minho groaned and put on a fake smile. He nodded his head and stood up and walked off. Before he completely disappeared out the door, he gave me his signature wink. I REALLY need to get that guy some eye drops. I turned and smiled at Newt and he looked at me happily.

     "So, how was the gardens?" he asked while wiggling an eyebrow playfully.

     "It was bloody terrible." I said, doing my best to sound like him.

     His smirk turned into a pout as he heard me mock him.

     "Are you mocking my accent love?" he asked.

     "No not at all love." I smirked and did my best British accent.

     He stood up and came over to me. He sat down beside me and leaned closer to my ear. I looked around to see that most people had left the kitchen, leaving Newt and me at the table alone. Most people went back to work by now so only a few were in my range of sight. I gulped and looked down at Newt's face. His face was extremely close to mine and I leaned back a little from the awkward atmosphere. He just sat there, staring into my eyes. I gulped again and cleared my throat.

     "M-Maybe we should g-go back to work!!" I suggested while stuttering.

     He smiled and leaned away from me.

     "Sure thing love." he said and grabbed my hand, pulling me up from the table. 

     We walked out of the kitchen together. He looked around for a moment then turned and looked down at me. Damn am I short.

     "Next job will be medjacks. I think you might like this one a bit more. Clent and Jeff will watch you and train you. I have to go talk to Alby about some stuff, I will see you at dinner I guess." he said and hugged me.

     I hugged back and smiled. I pulled away and looked up at him and smiled once more. He smiled and leaned in, pecking my lips then turning around and limping away. 

     That limp. I want to know how he got it. Maybe the medjacks know something of it? I don't want to bug him about it considering he might not know or it could be something personal. I shrugged the thought out of my head and skipped my way to the medjacks hut. Let's hope this job is fun.

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