First Day In The Maze

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     So today is the day I go into the maze. Alby was extremely raged when he found out about me staying with Newt in the glade for his ankle. Which pissed me off. I argued with him that a person's safety if more important then running the shucking maze for nothing to be found. In reply, Alby yelled at me and told me to go into the maze the next day or I will be thrown in the pit. 

     Here I am now, tying my shoes to get ready to run the shuck maze. I sighed and rose up into a sitting position and looked down at my feet. My mind began to wonder off at the possibilities of what might happen in the maze. Automatically my mind wonders to negative thoughts. I sat there and thought of many ways I could die in the damn maze. A knock at my door snapped me out of my thoughts.

     I stood up and walked to the door. I gripped the handle and swung the door open to see Minho standing in front of me. He didn't look happy, the same facial expression I had as well.

     "You almost ready shank? We gotta go eat and grab our bags quick so we can get a normal running time." Minho said and looked around my room a little.

     "Yeah. Let's just get this over with." I sighed and closed the door behind me.

     "Might as well get used to it. It is an every day thing for you now. Then again you can't really complain, you did technically put this on yourself." Minho stated with a snort.

     "It was NOT just me damn it! He should be the one out in the shucking maze! NOT ME!" I yelled angrily.

     "I know that it wasn't just your fault. Trust me, I would love to blame it on Gally. The only problem is that they thought it would be better for you to run. I'm not complaining though, I would rather run with you then that piece of shit." Minho said, saying his last sentence with a chuckle.

     I giggled and nudged him. He smirked and winked at me.

     We both walked into the kitchen and got our breakfast. We sat down at our usual table, at our usual spots. I gave Newt a side hug and waved at Chuck. Newt grinned and kissed my cheek, which is something I blushed at.

     "So (Y/N) your going into the maze today?!" Chuck asked, seemingly excited.

     I nodded my head as I chewed my food, not trying to be rude. When I finished I looked up at him with a smile.

     "Yeah Chuck, why do you ask?" I said.

     "Just curious about what is out there. None of the runners tell me anything about the maze, so I was wondering if you would." He replied.

     I glanced at Minho who was devouring his plate.

     "No way Chuck. Anything we find out about the maze is top secret, unless we found the way out. Otherwise, you won't learn anything bud." Minho said after he finished his food.

     I chuckled at Minho's statement. Chuck pouted and glared at Minho.

     "Shuck you." Chuck mumbled to Minho.

     Minho made an offended face and placed his hand on his chest, taken aback. 

     "Chuck, that's a bad word. You don't need to be saying that." I said while puffing out my cheeks, talking in a baby voice.

     Chuck scowled and went back to his food while Minho, Newt, and I laughed.

     "Okay Chuck, i'm sorry. It was just a joke." I said and ruffled his hair.

     He grinned at me and fixed his hair. I smiled back. I turned to Newt and ruffled his hair too. In reply, he ruffled my hair and grinned at me. 

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