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     "What's all this about?" I asked Thomas as we made our way to the map room. I was walking to the left of Thomas, Newt and Minho were walking in front of us. I looked over and examined Thomas' face. His left cheek had a few scraped and he had a bruise where his cheekbone was located. His clothes and body were dirtier that usual and he had bags under his eyes. I questioned in my mind why he looked so rough, giving myself a mental note to ask later. 

     "You probably know, but Minho and I think we found a way out. We wanted to discuss it with you guys now that Gally acts as if he runs the place." Thomas spoke, not even sending me a glance. 

     I looked ahead of me to see Newt glancing in my direction. He gave me a small smile, but in return I just stared at him. I was still a bit upset, so I didn't want to act like I was over; but I also didn't want to act like everything was normal. I still needed time to really think about everything that has happened lately. So much has happened that I can't even process it all. 

     I got snapped out of my thoughts when I felt two hands rest against my shoulders, making me stop in my tracks. My vision cleared and that's when I realized I almost walked into the wall of the map room. I sighed and shook the hands off my shoulder, turning around to see Thomas. I whispered a quick thanks and headed to the door of the map room. 

     We spent a good hour or so talking about many different things. Thomas and Minho agreed to go and check out the area that they assumed was our escape before really trying to take everyone out there. We also had a plan in case Gally were to act out and attempt to stop us. We were pretty organized for the most part, a few things we were still discussing. 

     Thomas brought up something about the color of the sky being quite off today, something I didn't acknowledge while I was there. I was so focused on everything that I actually didn't notice that the sun was gone, almost as if it never existed. Thomas said that he was worried about it, but mostly just confused. He played it off as if it was nothing, but anyone could easily tell he was concerned. 

     I didn't give it too much thought, especially since I wasn't really paying attention. I zoned out once they started talking about everything that has happened recently, things that I didn't really want to be reminded of. I could process little snippets of things they had said, but the conversation itself didn't even register in my brain. I was too busy with my own thoughts to care. 

     "Y/N." I heard my name being called for the second time. I finally looked over to the person who requested my attention, seeing that it was Minho. I arched a brow at him, signaling for him to continue. "It's getting late, we should start heading towards the homestead." 

We all nodded in agreement and made our way out of the map room. Just as I set foot out of the little hut, I heard people yelling. All four of us jogged out of the woods and into the clearing of the Glade. I looked around to see many people running back and forth in a panic, while others were simply arguing. I looked over to see crowds of people circling around the maze entrance, and that's when the realization dawned on me. The doors hadn't closed. 

     My eyes widened in sheer horror as I saw a griever come out from the entrance and attack the closest person in reach. Gladers scattered everywhere to try and protect themselves. I watched as a few people ran off to the box and hid, some people started to climb trees in the woods, and others left to the homestead. Thomas was the one to snap me out of my trance by gripping my wrist and dragging me towards the homestead. It took me a second, but I eventually picked my feet up and ran myself. 

     About ten feet away from the homestead is when Thomas finally let go of my hand. He slammed open the door to the homestead, making sure we all ran in before closing it shut. I scurried off to a corner and hugged my knees, trying to make sure I was far away from the door. It grew quiet as the screaming from outside died down, but we all knew the grievers were still there. I noticed that Newt was across the homestead from me, staring directly at me. I looked over to see that Thomas was to his left and Minho was to his right. I glanced around the room to see if there was anyone I recognized. Chuck, Winston, and a few others were here as well. I looked to my right to see a figure huddling in the other corner. I examined them closely and came to realization of who it was. 

     "Alby!" I whisper yelled. His head shot up and he glared at me, as did many other people in the room, but I ignored it. I was tempted to ask him about a million questions, but I kept my mouth shut knowing it was a bad time. 

     About five minutes of silence passed before we started hearing some noises. It was the sound of metal clanking against metal, a sound I knew all too well. The sound got louder, terrifying me even more. The grievers were right outside the homestead. 

     "Please no! No!" I heard someone yell from the other side of the homestead. The boy, who I did not recognize, was screaming and scurrying as far as he could into the corner. People were trying to keep him quiet, but he obviously no intention to do so. He kept screaming and shoving people away in a panic state. I crawled over to the boy, slowly approaching him. He was having a panic attack so I tried to be as gentle as possible. 

     "It's gonna be alright. Calm down and breathe, just breathe." I whispered and slowly brought my hand to his face. His breath became a little less ragged as I brushed his cheek with my thumb. "Are you alright?" I asked and he nodded after a moment, finally calming down. I smiled and made my way back to my corner. Halfway across the room is when all hell broke loose. 

     The giant claw of a griever smashed through the wall of the homestead. I saw as the claw gripped onto Alby, lifting his body from the ground. I ran to his rescue, trying to pull him away. I heard a loud crash and looked over just in time to see that Chuck was gripped by a claw as well. I gasped and pulled on Alby's arms with all my might, but the griever was still too strong for me. Luckily, Thomas had ran over and ripped Chuck away from the griever. Chuck ran off the a corner in the room, hiding as far away from the opening in the roof as possible. 

     Thomas quickly ran to my assistance and tried to pull Alby away. "Let go!" Thomas yelled and pulled with all his might. 

     "Thomas! I'm not gonna make it. Please, get them out of here." Alby spoke and ripped his arms from our grip, the griever succeeding in pulling his body through the wall. 

     I stared at the opening in shock, not being able to process what happened. Thomas pulled on my left arm, trying to drag me away from the wall where Alby once was. 

His Greenie ~TMR~ Newt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now