Stuck In The Maze

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     "What do you mean?" I asked.

     "Thomas could take your place as a runner!" Newt exclaimed.

     "Newt, I am a runner because of Gally. Thomas can't take my place, my job is my punishment." I said and frowned.

     He nodded in agreement, even if he hated it.

     "I just don't want you as a runner." he said and took a sip of his drink.

     "I know Newt-" I began but he cut me off.

     "You don't know! You could not possibly comprehend how much I worry everyday for your safety because Alby decided to toss you out in the bloody maze. The maze is a very dangerous place, take word from me. I just don't want someone I love to disappear, everyone else seems to have done so. I c-can't lose you." Newt finished.

     I didn't know what to feel at this moment. Shock? Anger? Love? So many emotions shifted through my mind all at once. I frowned and stood up. I looked down at Newt's surprised face at my sudden actions. He looked at me before beginning to speak.

     "I didn't mean to anger you. Please don't be angry. please, love, I j-just can't control it." Newt began.

     "Come on." I said.

     "What?" he asked giving me a confused look.

     "Come on." I stated blankly, reaching out my hand for him to take.

     He grabbed my hand and i pulled him up.

     "Where are we going?" he asked.

     "To Alby." I said.

     "Why exactly?" he asked, still confused.

     "Because if your so fucking worried, then let's do something about it." I said and dragged him towards Alby.

     He frowned and tried to pull back. He shook his head as I dragged him towards Alby, in a five year old manner. I didn't mind though, I just wanted to get this over with. 

     "Alby we need to talk." I stated.

     "Heeeeey~ If it isn't my main girl of the glade. Guys check it out, she's hot right?" Alby said motioning to me.

     "Are you fucking drunk?" I asked.

     "You bet your sweet ass I am~" Alby cooed.

     "Bloody hell Alby, don't talk to her like that." Newt said, smashing the side of our bodies together in a protective way.

     "I can't fucking believe this. The one time I try to fix something in this shuck place is the one time everything is fucked up more then usual. I'm fucking done." I said and walked away.

     Newt looked back at me with a said expression. He didn't follow though, he knew I needed my time. I sighed and made my way to the woods, the only place in this hell that I like going to. 

     I got pretty far into the woods and decided I was far away from them. I sat down and sighed. Why can't anything go right in this shuck place? Oh yeah, that's because we are put in here against our will, LOVELY. 

     I rested my head against the wall behind me and closed my eyes. I missed being alone like this. I need to do something about my damn job. I can't be a runner anymore. It is ruining everything. 

     I decided that I would worry about it tomorrow. I stood up and took my anger out on one of the trees near me. I sat there punching the tree until I couldn't feel my knuckles. I looked down at my fists to see I was bleeding, but not too bad. Nothing to really worry about. 

His Greenie ~TMR~ Newt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now