The Tour

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   I was in the kitchen eating with Minho and Newt. Minho is really funny, he made me laugh a lot while I was here. Which is saying something considering I shouldn't even be trusting them yet, but I feel that they are trustworthy. Newt, he is so sweet. He would offer his food to me and ask if I was okay, which I would blush at. Minho kept looking at me weird, but as soon as he started to realize what was going on he smirked. 

"I have to go to the map room, I forgot to do some stuff." He said and tried leaving.
"What kind of stuff?" Newt and I both asked at the same time.

Minho just left the room without answering, winking at me before leaving. I grinned and waved at him. 

"So now that he is gone I suppose I could give you the tour." Newt said, standing up and offering his hand.

I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. We walked out of the kitchen and walked towards a huge tower. I looked up in shock at the height of the thing.
We climbed to the top and I sat down, letting my legs swing off the railing. Newt did the same thing. 

"So, you already know the kitchen." he grinned while pointing towards the building we came from. "That over there is the medjacks hut." he said and pointed to another building.

"Pardon my interruption, but if we are doing a tour shouldn't we be walking around and you show me the buildings? Not sit here and point."

He smiled and nodded.  "It's good you have a brain in that pretty head of yours." he said and we climbed back down to the ground. 

I blushed but at the same time a little angry. It's obvious I have a brain, I mean seriously, was that the best he could do? I decided not to comment on it and continue to follow him anyways.
"Okay, so we were just on the watch tower. This is the medjack hut." he said and allowed me to enter the building. 

I later ended up zoned out for most of the tour. It lasted a good hour because Newt kept bringing me places we already went instead of where he was supposed to be bringing me. Instead of showing me the homestead, he walked to the kitchen. Then he would say that he forgot that we already went there 5 times. I didn't mind it, it was kind of cute. That was until I got tired. Newt continued to talk on and on about the glade thing we were in, but I ended up walking slower then intended. He turned around to see that I was about 10 feet behind him. 

"Are you tired love?" he asked walking over to me and putting a hand on my shoulder. 

I nodded and rubbed my eyes. He walked me to the homestead and looked around. Everyone was already asleep and I finally realized how late it really was.
"How long was the tour?" I whispered. 

"Longer then I thought." Newt whispered back. We walked past all the sleeping bodies, Newt tripped over a few making me giggle as others groaned and cursed. 

Eventually we did get to our destination, which was a hammock. Newt blushed and looked at me.

"Because of the tour, we never got your hammock set up. You can sleep in mine for the night, I'll sleep on the floor somewhere. Goodnight love." Newt smiled and sat on the floor. 

I sat down on the hammock and poked his head. He turned and looked at me. I smiled and motioned for him to come closer. He leaned closer and I took the chance to kiss his cheek. I blushed and looked down. 

"Thanks for everything today Newt, it means a lot." I whispered. 

He blushed and smiled.  "Go to sleep love, tomorrow will be a big day. "  

His Greenie ~TMR~ Newt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now