New Plan

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     We spent the rest of the night in complete shock and fear. At one point the homestead got so torn up that we had to evacuate, only causing more individuals to be whisked away by the grievers. 

     After we made our way out of the homestead and into the woods, the grievers began to retreat. It was early in the morning according to Thomas' watch, so they went back into the maze. The survivors from the homestead all slowly walked out of the forest and into the clearing of the quiet glade.  I gasped as my eyes met with all the destruction the grievers had caused. Clasping a hand over my mouth, I tried not to gag at some of the bodies that were left from the horrid monsters. 

     "We have to end this, now." I heard Minho mumble from my left. I looked over at him with confusion written all over my face, not completely sure what he meant by that. 

     "What are you talking about?" I whispered out, my voice being hoarse at the moment. 

     "We lost more then half the people that were here, not to mention that all the buildings were damaged to the point of no repair. I think we need a new plan." He stated, not even looking my way, as he marched off towards the map room. 

     I followed behind, as well as Thomas and Newt. 

     "Alright guys, we can't go through another night of this, we have nothing left. We need to escape today, and as soon as possible at that." Minho voiced as he placed both of his hands against the table. "(Y/N), i'm gonna need you to tell Chuck to gather up any of the weapons we have. We need as much as possible. Newt, you spread the word of our plans, but try to avoid Gally knowing. Thomas, you come with me, we have to prepare for the rest." Minho finished as he started going through multiple things that were in the room. 

     Newt and I nodded our heads and quickly left the hut. We jogged out of the woods, seeing that a few more survivors had come out of hiding. 

     "I'll inform Chuck and try to sneak off to get the weapons. You go tell everyone what the plan is, they need to be able to prepare for this." I repeated Minho's instructions as Newt rolled his eyes at me. 

     "As if I can't bloody hear." He said sarcastically, throwing me a wink, and jogging off to a group of people. 

     I smiled lightly and went off to finish my job.


     Newt and I met back with Thomas and Minho in the map room after our jobs were finished. Our next instruction was to go gather everything we might need or want to take with, knowing we won't return. I quickly jogged off to my own hut, which was damaged from the night before. I gathered the few things that I possessed together and headed out. I decided to visit Newt to see if he needed help, now that I had nothing to do. 

     I walked into his room to hear a deep sigh come from him. Making my way to his side, I wrapped my arms around his torso. I smiled up at his shocked face, knowing that he wasn't expecting much affection, if any, from me. 

     He turned so he was facing me and returned the hug, burying his face in my neck. I kissed the top of his head and stroked his back softly. At my movement, he picked his head back up and slightly loosened his arms around my figure. 

     "What's this about?" He asked, obviously confused. 

     I looked down at the floor and shuffled my feet. "Well i'm not completely sure if we're gonna make it through this, so I figured that I should get over what all has happened. " I mumbled and pulled him closer once more. 

     "I made mistakes, and a lot has happened recently. I doubt you could forget if you wanted to. I know one thing for sure is that we're gonna make it out of the maze and escape for once." He smiled and rubbed my upper back. 

     I hummed in response and pulled away from the hug. I smiled and quickly pecked his lips, too awkward to really show much affection. I blushed and walked off towards the door, ready to go back to the map room.

     "If you have everything ready then we can head back, it is getting close to time to go anyways." I said and quickly left the room. 

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