The Kiss

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     After eating with Newt and Minho I was really confused on what to do. I mean I have been here for a day and don't have a job, what do you expect? "Uh...Newt what do I do now?" I asked, blushing at such a stupid question.

     He smiled and looked down at me. Him looking down just to stare into my eyes made me realize how short I was compared to him. I huffed and crossed my arms. I stood on my toes and tried to be taller, but he still towered over me. He laughed and ruffled my hair at my failed attempt.  "I swear you are adorable no matter what you do." He chuckled and hugged me, shoving my face into his chest.

     I blushed at the action, but shook my head furiously. "I am NOT cute!" I argued, trying my best to keep a straight face. 

     "Whatever you say love. Now come on, it's time to start training to figure out what job you want." He said and grabbed my hand.

     Butterflies rose in my stomach and I couldn't help but blush. He grinned when seeing me turn pink and to make things worse he bent down and kissed my cheek. He bent down... and kissed... my cheek. I froze in place as I began to process what just happened. I was for sure that I was red now, not just pink. My face lit up so bright, I could see the color of my cheeks from the bottom of my vision. I looked up at him and frowned. He looked at me confused, and a little hurt. 

     "What's wrong?" he asked, a little hesitant I might add.

     "You had to bend down just to kiss my cheek, I am so short to you." I grumbled and dug my foot into the dirt. 

     I suddenly was quite interested in the ground as he stared at me. I wanted to know what he was thinking because he stayed quiet and just looked at me. I kicked dirt up and it flew everywhere. It flew up to my face, blinding me for a second. I opened my eyes a moment later to see him smirking at me. 

     "What?" I asked, a little worried.

     "Nothing love, you just have dirt on your nose." He said and wiped it off with his thumb. 

     I blushed and stared at him as he did so. He smiled after he wiped the dirt off onto his pants. He leaned forward and pecked my nose and then stood up straight again. 

     I frowned again still acknowledging the fact that he has to bend down to get to eye level with me. I pouted at the thought and looked away. I wonder how tall I actually am...or what I look like. The thoughts flooded my mind and I completely zoned out. I snapped out of my trance when Minho ran by and catcalled. 

     "Yo Newt! You gonna stand there like the shank you are or are you gonna kiss your glader girl?" Minho yelled while running towards the homestead. 

     Newt glared at Minho and I giggled at how silly he could be. 

     "Minho is so stupid, he's the sass queen for sure." I giggled as I talked. 

     Newt smiled and chuckled a little himself.  "Yeah, he sure is something..." Newt mumbled.

     "Well, now that Minho brings it up. Are you gonna kiss me or naw?" I giggled as I smiled up at him.

     He looked at me, as if he was shocked that I would ask the question.

     "Well... I-I don- wa-ait I don't-" he stuttered as he tried to form words. 

     I giggled and grabbed his face and pulled him down to me. As our lips connected my stomach was bursting with butterflies as my heart did flips. He soon kissed back and wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me in place. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him as close as possible. This was so perfect...until I heard a whistle. 

     Newt and I break apart and turn to see Minho clapping and smirking. 

     "Man was I waiting for this to happen..." Minho said and laughed.

     I sat there panting a little from the kiss. I glared at him and his smile soon faded. 

     "Get your ass back here Minho!" I yelled as I chased him around the glade.

     Gladers were cheering as I chased him around. 

     "Get him love, show no mercy!" I heard Newt yell and I blushed at his words.

His Greenie ~TMR~ Newt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now