Chapter 5

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Ya I left you on a cliff hanger, but it was for your own good. So thanks if you commented, voted, or fanned me. Keep it going please.

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Chapter 5

“Ya, didn’t you hear tha- "Con get off there now we need to go this second your dad and I are waiting for you." Cons mom yelled.

“Well I got to go. Bye.”

“Bye.” We said at the same time.

“What’s the new gossip?” Allie asked.

“Does it look like I know?”




“Hi mom.”

“Ok I will be home in about 20 mins.”

“Ok bye.”

Allie closed her phone.

“Well my mom needs me so I got to go. See you at school tomorrow.”



Poo. Now im all alone all day. I guess I will just watch a bunch of TV today.

That’s exactly what I did, I just watched TV, laughed, ate, and went to the bathroom when I felt the urge to.

My mom came home from the grocery store.

“Are you going to go to bed?” my mom asked

“It not even that late.”

“It’s 12:00.”


“Ya, you’re not going to get a lot of sleep.”

“Ok good night mom.”

I turned off the TV and ran upstairs. I didn’t need to get my pj’s on because I never changed out of them.

I brushed my teeth and hair. And ran to my bed and fell asleep.

* * *


I hurried out of bed. What is the “NEW SCHOOL GOSSIP?”

I need to know. It was hard to fall asleep because that just kept going through my mind. What could it be?

That’s the first thing I need to ask Con about. Or else it will just keep bugging me.

I got ready fast. I ran downstairs and put on my black converse.

My mom had left my breakfast on the table.

I ate it fast and got my stuff together, left the house and locked the door.

Sprinting down to the bus stop I couldn’t get it out of my head “NEW SCHOOL GOSSIP?”

Getting on the bus I saw Allie sitting by the window. I took a seat next to her.

“Do you know what the new school gossip is?” Allie asked

“No, but I couldn’t fall asleep because of it. I mean what if it’s like really important and we are going to like be losers not knowing what it is.”

“So you mean nothing is going to change then right?” Allie said in a jokingly voice.

“Ya I guess.”

We arrived at school. The first thing I heard people talking about was the new school gossip.

“Oh I know right. I mean new school gossip it’s finally time some starts coming around.”

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