Chapter 20

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I dedicate this chapter to all my fans.

Chapter 20

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I woke up and got ready for school. I wish we didn’t have school today all I wanted to do was dream about how perfect tonight was going to be.

When I got to school I talked with Allie, Con, and Dustin about the dance. All of us were really excited. For some reason Allie and Dustin kept looking at each other and smiling. “What’s going on?” I asked.

“What?” Then both said at the same time.

“Why do you keep looking at each other?”

“We’re just happy.” Allie said while smiling.

The bell rang and we all when to are lockers. When I opened my locker I found a note in there.

Thanks for being a great friend…

“But would you like to be more then friends?” I hear someone say behind me. Turning around quick I found Dustin there.


“Natalie would you like to be my girlfriend?”


Allie came up by him with her math book in her arms. “Do I really have to speak for you? Yes Dustin she would love to be your girlfriend.” That made me smile.

“Get on with it and kiss.” Allie said while looking at both of us.

“Not in front of all these people.” I said.

Allie leaned to Dustin’s ear and whispered something I couldn’t hear clearly. What ever she whispered made Dustin smile and look at me. The bell rang indicating that we should head to are first class. “May I walk you to your class?”

“We are both going to the same class though.”

“May I walk with you?”

“Yes you may.” I said while starting to walk to are first class.

School ended up being a blast with Dustin. All we did was make jokes and laugh. It was the best day of my life. “See you at 6:20.” I said as I turned and got on the bus.

“Bye.” He said as he waved to me and started to walk home.

When I got home I ate a snack while I called Allie. She didn’t answer. Huu that’s weird she usually answers when I call her. Whatever.

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Dustin’s view

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“Hey Derrick I left my wallet at your house last time and I need it.”

“Here bro take my house key and you can get it. I will be there but I need to take Courtney home first.”

“Ok.” I said as I walked over to were Allie was. Let’s go. We ran all the way to Derricks house, but on the way Allie tripped and when she walked on her foot it hurt her so I had her get on my back as I jogged all the way there. I opened the door and found some ice and a cast like thing for her foot. As I was acting like a doctor I heard Derrick come in though the door. I slid Allie under the table. “What’s up man?” He said as he came in for a hug.


“Did you find your wallet?”

“Ya.” I glanced behind Derrick and saw Allie with scarves, duct tape, a chair, and keys to a closet. She gave me a thumbs up sigh indicating that we were ready. “Actually Derrick it might be in that closet over there could you check for me?”

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