Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Allie, Con, and Dustin.

“Wow I can’t believe that happened.” Allie said

“Ya. Neither can I. Now im going to be suspended from school.”

“But it wasn’t your fault.” Dustin said.

“Courtney’s not going to say that. Nobody will say she’s lying, because their all just scared of her.”

“I will.” Allie said after a moment of silence.

“I will too.” Con said.

“I will three.” Dustin said.

“Thanks guys, but you three against the whole school. The majority wins.”

“I won’t let you get suspended. You have been my best friend since…forever.” Allie said.

“Hey what about me?” Con said.

“Not now Con.” Allie said holding up her pointer finger.

“Allie it doesn’t work like that.” I said.

“Well I will make it work…we will make it work right guys?” Allie said.

“RIGHT guys?”

“Ya.” Con and Dustin said at the same time.

“Natalie Hues may I see you please.” The vice principle said while standing by the door.

“We’re here for you.” Allie said.

The vice principle and I walked in silence until we got to the principles office.

“Take a seat miss.Hues.” The principle said while sitting in his seat.

“I heard you shoved miss.Cost into the water fountain.” He said in a calm voice.

“I didn’t I swear. You can even ask the people who saw it.”

“Fine. I will ask but if you’re lying you will be suspended from school. You understand that.”

“Yes sir.”

* * * * * * *

Allies view

* * * * * * *

I heard the ambulance siren.

“Come on lets go inside.” Dustin said.

Wait why is Dustin here with two nerds. Why did he come with Con and I to see if Natalie was ok? It’s weird. Does he even know Natalie? Maybe their good friends and I don’t know about it. Ya that’s probably the reason.

We got in the building right before the ambulance marched in and got Courtney. The two wanna bees tried to go with the ambulance to support Courtney. The ambulance had to have men hold Jessica and Tiffany back until they got Courtney in the truck and then they quickly sped off.

I saw the principal coming over to the huge crowd of people talking about the incident.

“Excuse me.”

The room got dead silent at that point. I look around the principal and saw Natalie standing down the hall by the principals’ office.

“Did or didn’t miss.Hues shove miss.Cost into the water fountain?”

It was silent until I raised my hand and everybody gasped.

“Yes miss.Bowes.”

“Miss.Hues did not shove miss.Cost into the water fountain. Miss.Cost tripped.” I stated nervously.

“Objection.” Tiffany yelled.

“Can everybody that says miss.Hues is innocent raise their hand.” The principal said.

The first person to raise their hand was Con. Then me and then Dustin. Once Dustin raised his hand all of the girls gasped.

“Objection. Dustin Dawes just broke up with Courtney a few days ago. So he is obviously trying to get revenge.” Jessica yelled.

That made all of the girls that are in love with Dustin raise their hand.

“I hate that Courtney girl she didn’t deserve a guy like Dustin. Dustin’s to nice.” I heard a girl whisper.

Even Dustin’s friends raised their hands.

“I got to stick up to my bro Dustin. Besides that hairy man women did trip herself.” I heard one of Dustin’s friend say.

That made me giggle on the inside.

I looked around and now everyone had their hands up. Besides Jessica and Tiffany.

I peeked my head around the principal and gave her a thumbs up. That made her start to do her nerd dance. Which by the way is very creepy.

“Looks like miss.Hues is not guilty. Everybody is excused.”

Dustin, Con, and I ran over to her. Con and I were the only ones that hugged her I think because Dustin just feels weird giving someone he barely knows a hug. Or does he know her very well? Dustin just gave her a high-five.

“Courtney won’t be a problem for us of a month.” Natalie said to me.

That made Natalie and I start to do are nerd dance.

School was excused early just because of all the shock.

Con had said bye to Natalie and I and then left.

So it was just Natalie and I left alone.

All of the sudden a great idea popped in my mind.

“Natalie I have a great idea you’re going to love it.”

“What is it?” Natalie asked.

“Well im not sure if you would be up to it.”

“Tell me.”

* * * *

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So what do you think Allie was going to tell Natalie?

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