Chapter 10

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Congratulations’ kitkat7. You guessed right.

Chapter 10


“Hi Courtney its Natalie.”

“I don’t know a Natalie.”

“Oh umm im the person that visited you earlier that started screaming and yelling and the doctor came in and tamed me.”

“Oh you’re that person!”


“So may I ask why you’re calling?”

“Oh um I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out with and have a fun time with me and my friend on Saturday?”

“I would love to come but I have to go to therapy, but if it ends before you guys leave to have fun then I will go.”

“Ok. If you’re done with therapy before we leave just call me and meet me at my house. It’s on the piece of paper the nurse gave you.”

I grabbed the piece of paper off of my counter and looked at it. It was to dark to see so I turned my lamp on.

“Oh ya ok.”

“Well I will see you then…maybe.”

“Ya ok bye.”


I ended the call.

I was tired so I turned the TV off and fell asleep.

* * * *

Natalie’s view

*  *  * *

Well I fell better now that im friends with my used to be enemies.

I do feel bad that I told Allie it was going to just be her and me. She will probably understand though. I mean seriously Courtney is really nice now I don’t see how she could still hate someone so nice like Courtney.

I guess my diary isn’t magic. My makeover never came. That would be good if it came before Friday which is the day of the Freshman Dance.

Then I would be all pretty and MAYBE someone would ask me to go with them. I highly doubt that though.

I don’t see how someone could possibly make me pretty im nerdy you couldn’t make me pretty even in a million years. Well then again in a million years if I was even still alive I would be all wrinkly and look like a raisin. UNLESS I got a face lift. No it wouldn’t work.

“Natalie it’s getting late you should get to bed.” My mom said. Then she closed the door and left.

Im not a baby I can go to bed when ever I want. She’s not the boss of me.

She walked back in. “I’m serious get to bed now.”

“Yes mommy.” I said while turning of my lamp.

Well maybe she is the boss of me.

Then I softly drifted off to sleep like a baby.

* * * *

Allies view

* * * *

Good I think Natalie realized that Courtney is just too much to put up with and she came to her senses that she’s just a mean person.

Whatever, I don’t care what she says about Courtney she’s just someone everyone will always hate.

I would get so mad if Natalie doesn’t realize that and decides that she’s a better friend then me.

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