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~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

I opened my eyes to complete darkness. There were no sources of light. There were no windows. There wasn't even a sliver of light coming from underneath a locked door. I was in absolute darkness.

I didn't panic at this situation like I know I should have. I didn't panic at the sound of my rapidly beating heart. I didn't even panic at the coolness of the floor pressing against my body.

I sat up, careful to feel for a ceiling above me. I had no idea where I was. I slid my fingertips across the floor. My hands didn't hit any walls or obstacles so I assumed I was in the middle of a room. Theoretically, if I slide back, I'll hit a wall eventually. So I did just that. I pushed my body backwards by bending and unbending my knees. It didn't take long for my back to hit what I assumed to be a wall.

Since my sense of sight clearly wasn't going to help me out, I decided to depend on my sense of hearing. I took a deep breath, willing myself to listen as closely as I could. Everything was still, no noises could be heard. I normally liked silence, but this wasn't a peaceful quiet. This was the type of quiet you'd hear before someone was killed. A second of confusion, before the shock and agony infiltrated your mind.

Well, bye to hearing. These walls must be soundproof.

I blinked a few times, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the eternal darkness. The black bore into my eyes, making me dizzy. I lifted my hand to my face, hoping I could see something. I waved it back and forth in front of my eyes, but I saw nothing. I suddenly feared that I had gone blind while I'd been sleeping.

A surge of panic jolted through my body, making me want to run away from this situation.

"I swear, if this is another box to another maze, I will smash my head against this wall until I die." The morbid words fell quickly from my lips. There was no one around me, I knew that, but I sensed that WICKED wouldn't leave me alone without cameras. My words were not falling on deaf ears.

"No answer," I sighed rolling my eyes, "Not that I'm all that surprised. I mean, I am talking to WICKED."

Pictures of a memory deficient me stumbling around the Maze box a few months ago, flashed through my mind. I never wanted to experience that fear again.

My stomach growled. When was the last time I ate something? And how long have I been in this room? A night? A week? A month?

I don't even know.

My stomach grumbled uncomfortably again. This was completely ridiculous. I was starving.

I wanted food. Now. I literally don't even care if I have to eat in this pitch black room.

I didn't really feel like getting up to check for a door or an exit. But eventually, I pulled myself onto my feet. I reached my hands up above me, feeling for any low ceilings. Much to my surprise I felt nothing. Was I really free to roam around this room?

I walked forward slowly. My hands straight out in front of me, just in case.

I took a few cautious steps, until my hands were met with a cool surface. But it wasn't a wall. It was smooth. Glass maybe? Or a window? A flashlight would be kinda nice to have right now.

I followed the glass wall to my left until I felt the textured wall again. Then I walked all the way to my right. The room was shaped like a rectangle. But I'd felt no ridges or handles, so there were no doors. I was trapped. So much for freedom.

I went over to the glass side again, tapping on it lightly. The noise echoed into the other half of the room. What the heck was WICKED keeping me in? A glass cell? It was as if I'd been put on display like an animal at a zoo.

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