Where Have I Been?

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Hello, everyone. Its been a long, long time since I've updated. I don't even wanna talk about how long it's been. I apologize because what the heck, but I really have no excuse. I mean, I got a job which takes up four days of my week. I went on vacation. And I've honestly just been enjoying my life. And that's so weird to say because I feel as though I've been very dissatisfied with everything for so long. But I met new people and I kind of really like this guy and I've just grown so much as a person in the past couple of months. I've learned a lot and I'm still learning.

I would love to sit behind my laptop and say, "I've been so busy, and I just kind of forgot about Wattpad, because I'm popular AF." But that's just not how the past months went. There were so many times when I could have written. And this makes me sound like a really awful person.

But I chose not to write. Its most likely a flaw in my writing persona or maybe it means that I'm not meant to be a pro, but when I'm really happy, I find it hard to write. Writing has always been my escape. But what happens when you find an escape in something else? Or someone else? Or what happens when you no longer need that escape?


For the first time in my life, I've found someone who genuinely cares about me and wants to hear my voice. Wants to know my opinion. And that's where my head and heart have been for the past month. In another person. Is that incredibly stupid? Maybe?? I'm not throwing my life into someone else, I honestly don't think I could, but for the first time ever, I'm finding comfort in another living person. Its weird, I don't know, I'm just in a time in my life where I want to branch out and experience something bigger than myself.

Is this all gonna crash and burn?? Maybe, but for now, I'm enjoying whatever crazy adventure has been placed in my path. I've said it a million times and I'll say it again: I believe that everything happens for a reason.

This is so weird, I'm sorry for suddenly becoming deep. I'm done explaining for now, I definitely see a future ETIDS chapter about my past two months. So much growth, ah, I really learned some stuff.

FOR NOW, ILL FOCUS ON TO LIVE. I understand that no one remembers the last chapter, much less the small details of my story (Tbh I had to really rethink what I had wanted for this book.) So when I do update I'm going to try my best to write brief summarizing sentences mixed in with the new chapter in an attempt to fill everyone in.

Definitely expect more updates from me. No matter how long I don't post, know that I will never give up on this story, sometimes I just need a little break. And I really think that this break has opened my eyes to so much more. ITS CRAZY. I wanna freak out with you guys about the boy I like now, but I'll save that stupid sappy stuff for ETIDS, haha.

Btw, I'm entering To Love in the 2016 Wattys??!!! I don't know, I thought it would be kinda fun, haha.

But I will talk to you guys very soon. Until then, I hope you're a having a wonderful summer. BYEEE!

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