Chapter 5

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

It's been a while. But I needed the time to recuperate. (This only makes sense if you read my last update haha.)

But hello, everyone!! I've missed this. I've missed writing. For people who are confused, I recently had a bit of a crisis. I thought I wasn't going to write anymore. It's so weird, because I completely stopped writing for two weeks. Normally, I work on chapters everyday and continually think about future updates.

But for a whole two weeks, every time a thought about writing entered my mind, I would push it away. It was the hardest and best two weeks of my life.

It felt great not thinking about anything, but the thing was, my mind kept bringing up thoughts of Newt or To Love.

And I realized that this is all too much to give up. How selfish would I be if I let failure stop me? And like some quote says, "Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about."

Writing is my "thing." So all and all, I am not done. I've actually made the decision to eventually rewrite To Love as an original novel. So that's exciting! I started it the other day, haha. Its so hard to separate what I've read already and what I'm writing haha. I want it to be completely new and unique.

That being said, sorry for the long intro! I hope this chapter is good, tbh its my least favorite, BUT ILY ALL!! BYEEE!!!

Btw: it might be helpful to reread the end of Chapter 4 :)


~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

"We're actually gonna sit here and wait for this guy to talk to us?" Minho asked, snarling.

"Does it look like we have much of a choice?" Newt questioned back, "Maybe this'll all be over."

"Man, I know you're still hoping for your happy ending, but if he had anything good to say, he wouldn't need a wall to protect him," Minho pointed out.

It was true. Why did he need protection? If he was the bearer of good news, there'd be no need for a barrier. He was gonna tell us something crappy.

Not like I was all that surprised. If things were over, WICKED wouldn't have tattooed titles on our necks. This was only the beginning.

"Either way, we still have to listen," Newt pushed. Please tell me they aren't gonna argue.

"It's like we're students waiting for our schoolmaster to give us a freaking lesson."

"Just slim it," Newt glanced down at his watch, "I think it's time."

I placed my hand on top of Newt's leg, letting him know that I was here. He seemed frazzled. I don't know if it was Minho or if it was our conversation, but he seemed distant. I didn't want to lose him.

Newt turned to look at me. I exhaled as I held his eye contact. Newt moved his hand to rest on top of mine. His thumb graced across my knuckles.

"No matter what he says, I love you," I whispered, close to his ear.

Newt only nodded. He appeared as if he wanted to say something. But he didn't.

The random guy slowly opened one of his desk drawers. He pulled out a folder that had papers messily sticking out of it. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Thank you for gathering in an orderly manner. I suggest you listen carefully to what I say, because I'll only say it once," The man started. He looked at each of us. I looked away when he looked at me. I didn't like him.

To Live *The Scorch Trials/Newt Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now