Chapter 9

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

I said I wouldn't come back to this, but here I am!

Soooo hello everyone, I am trying to make my way back to this story! I've been seeing the death cure trailers and it's made me miss Wattpad and this story. I'm trying to begin again and start writing new chapters.

This is a chapter I wrote about a year ago so it makes some sense with the last chapter I posted. In order to post updates again, I need to reread my book and the scorch trials and kinda recap and refresh the story for all of you, through my writing. So I need a lil time haha.

But expect a very dramatic and more exciting plot and characters. The story is changing. I hope it'll all work out and I hope you'll all stick with me through it!!!!!


~~~Newt's Pov~~~

It'd been a while since I'd ran like this. Step after step after step. I kept Brianne's hand firmly held in mine, almost pulling her along at times. My short respite from running the maze hadn't done much for my stamina; Brianne couldn't keep up with the pace I was setting.

It wasn't her fault, I've always been abnormally fast. You have to be as a Runner.

That freaky metal ball almost got Winston, but a couple of the guys were actually able to pry the thing away from his head.

Of course, I couldn't see what they'd done to fight off the enemy, but I took their word.

I hated the darkness and I hated the fact that we were constantly running in what felt like a straight line. There were no inclines or declines or turns or-

"Ah, what the hell?" I heard Minho shout about ten feet ahead.

"What?" I asked, slowing down. I really hope nobody runs into me. Brianne stepped on the back of my shoe and I heard her mumble a quick, 'Sorry,' in a hushed voice.

"Everybody stop running," Minho commanded, in a pained voice.

"Why, what'd you find?" Thomas asked from beside me.

"Hopefully a way out of this hell, that's what I found. Freaking stairs almost broke my shin," Minho complained, I could practically picture him massaging his hurt leg, maybe even kicking the steps in revenge.

"What do ya' mean stairs?" I asked, letting Brianne's hand slip from mine. I walked ahead. Before I took each step forward, I made sure to feel in front of me. I didn't wanna hurt my leg anymore than I already had.

Sure enough, I followed Minho's voice and was met with a row of inclined landings.

"You think the exits at the top of these?" I asked, turning to where I assumed Minho was.

"Don't know. Don't care, let's just go," Minho's voice spoke in the opposite direction I had been staring. Bloody hell.

"Alright, follow behind us, slowly. That way its not mass chaos on the stairs," I said, moving up a few steps.

I hoped Brianne was close behind me. I couldn't tell though because nobody was speaking. All I could hear was the heavy breaths of the tired Gladers.

The steps were just as bad as the hallway. They were endless.

My legs began to ache. I was not equipped for running uphill. I mean, the bit of climbing I did back in the Maze sorta helped me now, but nobody else did weird stuff like that. Everyone must be feeling this ten times worse than I am.

A loud echo sounded about two steps above me. A shout proceeded that.

"You've gotta be freaking kidding me!" Minho shouted, "My head just hit the ceiling!"

I almost burst into laughter. Of course Minho would somehow manage to hit his shin and his head in the span of about five minutes.

"Wait, so there has to be something at the top of this staircase-" I started, before a piercing white light practically blinded me, "Minho-," I threw my hands over my face and squeezed my eyes shut. After being in complete darkness for so long, the sudden light hurt my eyes.

"Found it," Minho laughed, letting whatever he had opened close again.

I reached into my backpack, "Here's a shirt. You can prop it open. Slowly."

Minho took the shirt and slowly opened what seemed to be a little trap door. The light was still too much even though the opening was only a sliver.

"Just so our eyes can adjust," I narrated. I eventually was able to open my eyes and look around. The first person my eyes searched for was Brianne. She was about four stairs down from where I was standing. The rest of the Gladers were scattered about on the steps.

"Looks like we just found a door to the freaking sun," Minho used his hand to fan himself, "Its gotta be at least 105° out there."

Minho was right, the light had brought a very warm air into the corridor. I felt like the small sliver of light on my arm had already given me a sunburn.

"Haven't seen the sun in a while," I muttered, "Wouldn't be that horrible."

"Yeah, you keep talking that nostalgic klunk. I was very happy in my sunless Glade and pitch black tunnel," Minho rolled his eyes.

"So do we go out there?" Thomas asked, pushing his way to the top of the staircase.

"Shouldn't we wait until sundown?" I asked. It was obviously too hot to go out there right now.

"And, what? Let a metal ball decapitate another one of us?" Minho argued, "I say, we go now. I'd rather fight off the crazy cranks than robotic wonder-blobs. Been there, conquered that, with the Grievers."

"I mean, I guess, it's your call," I put my hands out in front of me in surrender. Minho was ultimately the leader anyway. Who was I to stop him?

Minho nodded as he threw the doors cover all the way open. Heat and light drowned our surroundings. Looks like we were going outside.


~~~Author's Notes~~~

This is very short, but like I said I can't add to the story until I reread and revise my characters a little. So I hope that'll come soon and I love you all as always! Bye!

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