Part 2

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I decided to get ready for dinner considering i had 10 minutes. I put on a pink, A-line, highwaisted skirt. Along with that i grabbed a flower print bustier and nude, platform heels. Lastly, I put on my infinity necklace my ex-boyfriend gave me in Florida. (Picture in External Link) Once I  had changed my chlothes, I curled the tips of my hair and put on light make up. Once i was completely dressed i began walking downstairs. Justin and I bumped into each other exactly where out hallways meet. He looked so hot. He was wearing a light green button down, dark wash skinny jeans, and black vans.  (Picture in External Link) We would make such a cute couple.

"You look beautiful." He said with hope.

I scoffed and walked past him. Once i reached the dining room my mom started gushing.

"Oh sweetheart you look beautiful! And Justin you look very handsome!"

"Thanks."  Justin and I said at the same time. 

The doorbell rang and we all knew who it was. I sighed out loud before Justin spoke.

"I'll get it." He said.

"Jazzy! Jaxon! I want you guys to meet someone!" Jeremy said.

I hadn't even realized they were home. They came walking in, holding hands. Jaxon was wearing almost the same outfit as Justin but his shirt was blue and his shoes were white. Jazzy was wearing a purple dress with silver flats. 

"Hi guys, I'm Lucy." 

"Is this our new sissy Daddy?" Jazzy asked. 

"Yes sweetie." Jeremy responded. 

Soon her whole aura changed. She sprinted to me and jumped into my arms, Jaxon not far behind.

"Hi Lulu! Can I call you Lulu? I'm Jazzy and this is Jaxon!"

"Yes sweetheart you can call me Lulu," I picked them both up, " Hi Jazzy, Hi Jaxon!" I gave them kisses on their cheeks and Jaxon blushed.

Soon after, Justin walked in with Selena. I wish i looked like her. She's so gorgeous and her outfit was to die for. (Picture in External Link)

"Hello Selena." Jeremy said.

"Hi Mr.Bieber." Selena responded.

I expected him to say some like 'I told you to call me Jeremy!' but he didn't. My mom walked over to her and introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Erin, It's nice to meet you."

"Hi Erin, I'm Selena. It's nice to meet you too." She said sweetly.

She turned to me and introduced herself. 

"Hi I'm Selena! It's great to meet you!"

"Hi I'm Lucy! It's great to meet you, too!" 

Although I really like Justin, I really want to be Selena's friend. She's so sweet. We ate together and let me tell you, that was one of the best dinners of my life. It was so fun! It felt like a real family dinner. After dinner, Justin, Selena, and I went into the living room and just hung out.

"Lucy," Selena asked, "Where did you get that necklace?! It's so pretty!"

"Awh thank you," I giggled, "Actually my ex-boyfriend from Florida gave it to me."

"Why would you still wear it?" Justin asked, sounding a bit pissed off. 

"I don't know, we dated for like a year and i think it's really pretty." I stated.

He just nodded his head. 

"Well I'll leave you two to do your couple stuff!" I laughed. "Bye Selena it was great to meet you!" I exclaimed.

"I actually think I'm going to leave too, Justin. But Lucy! Can i have your number? We should totally hang out tomorrow!" Selena asked.

"Oh my gosh, yeah! It's (123)-456-789." I told her.

"Okay I'll call you tomorrow and we can go shopping or something!" 

"Yay! Okay bye girl!" I gave her a hug and walked to my room. 

Minutes later i heard a knock on my door. 

"Come in." 

Justin came in and sat next to me on the bed.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi?" I said, as more of a question. 

"Thank you."  Justin said.

"For what?" I asked. 

"For tonight. Selena really likes you. I can tell you're gonna be really good friends."

"I was just being myself Justin. What, did you think i was going to be a bitch to her because of your mistake? I'm not like that." I snapped.

"Look Lucy, I really like you. I don't know what it is but something about you makes me want you so badly," Hearing this made my heart flutter. "but i really care about Selena, too. And I can't throw what we have away." My heart sunk once again. 

"I understand. I didn't expect you, too." I said, sadly.

"But, it's really hard for me to control myself around you. I just want to kiss you, and hug you all the time. So I was wondering...could i kiss you one more time, just to get it out of my system?" He asked.

I was completely shocked. I mean, of course i want to kiss him again but I'm scared. I really don't want to hurt Selena anymore than i already have.

"I don't know Justin, I really son't want hurt Selena anymore."

"Just one kiss. One kiss, until we're together." He said.

"IF, we ever get together." I said.

"Yeah, If. So what do you say?"  He asked.

"Justin. One kiss! ONE. Okay? No more after that."

"Okay, are you ready?" He questioned.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

He leaned in closer and closer until our lips finally met. This was meant to be, I swear. We kissed softly until the heat between us grew hotter and hotter. Justin swiped his tongue across my lip and i had to accept. I opened my mouth slightly and we both moaned the second our tongues met. Justin slipped his hand under my skirt and as much as i wanted to continue we couldn't.

"Justin.." I whisper/moaned.

"Mmm." He responded. Damn that was hot.

"Stop." I said as i pulled away.

He whimpered and slouched.

"I care about you, a lot." He stated.

"Yeah, well." I shrugged, "We should go to sleep." I suggested.

"Yeah..." He began to walked but stopped at the door.

"Our parents are taking Jaxon and Jazzy out tomorrow morning and they wont be home till the next week. My two friends are coming over and so is Selena. Want to hang out with us?"

I smiled at him and nodded. "I'd love too."

"Cool," He smiled back, "Goodnight Lucy."

"Night Justin." 

Justin Bieber is my Step Brother. (A Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now