Chapter 7

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Dave's POV

There are far too many mornings in which I wake up to a screaming alarm clock for me to ever actually be okay. Or anyone in this situation. Except for maybe John. That kid seems to constantly be fine with everything. He never seems tired or sad or any other negative things that normal high schoolers feel. Right, well, thinking about John's constant happy state isn't going to get me out of bed. You'd think that after an almost full day of sleeping on Sunday I'd be well rested, but nope, still tired. Anyways, I better get my day going. I reluctantly got myself out of bed and took a quick shower and for once I actually had time to eat a real breakfast. Well, not for once but it doesn't happen very often. I had a bowl of cereal and some apple juice and headed towards the front door. I grabbed my bag, slipped on my shoes, and started my walk to school.

When I sat down in first peroid, John was already there and studying for the test we had today. The one I had completely forgotten about. He closed his binder and looked me up and down. He then reached over and pinched me on the arm.

"What the hell, Egderp. What was that for ?"

"You're not wearing any green, Dave !" he laughed.

"And why would that matter ?"

"Because, Daave. It' St. Patrick's Day !"

"Oh wow. Yeah. One of those 'holidays' that I don't think I could care any less about." I made finger-quotes around the word holiday. This is definitely not a holiday. We still have to go to Hell, don't we ? Yeah, exactly.

"But you're one of the only people not wearing any green !"

"You're not wearing much green," I pointed out.

"Okay, I'm not wearing a lot of green, but this is green," he pointed to the green slimer thingy on his shirt, "so it counts."

"Okay, whatever. I'm not going to go out of my way just to wear green on some weird holiday that isn't a holiday."

"What do you mean ? You don't have to go that much out of you way just to wear green."

"Egderp, I would have to go to some sort of store just to buy a green shirt or some shit."

"You don't own any green clothing ?"

"No, John. I own plenty of green shirts, I just feel like I would have to buy one just for this occasion."

"Okay, okay, chill."

"Egbert, I'm always chill." He rolled his eyes and smiled as he turned in his chair to face the front of the classroom. The teacher walked in with her normal cheerfulness and, might I add, wearing the brightest neon green shirt on the planet. Good heavens, lady. What sort of store would even offer something like that ?

- - -

It wasn't until I was walking through the doors of the lunch room when I remembered that I would have to face Jade. I felt kind of bad for turning down her offer of a date, she was a really nice person, but I can't help that I'm gay. I didn't exactly tell her that, but I told her that it wasn't anything against her, I just had certain reasons that I couldn't be in a relationship with her. she was a bit upset with my reasons since I was giving extremely vague answers, but I didn't want her be weirded out or anything. I mean, I just made friends. I don't want to run them off. They might be completely okay with it, but I don't want to take any chances. I took a somewhat deep breath and sat down. I debated on whether or not to eat lunch but decided to go ahead and just eat the poison anyway. I was pretty hungry. I stood back up and waited in line. I soon got my food and headed back towards the table where Jade already was and talking to John. Oh lordy. I sat down and started eating my 'pizza'.

"Hi Dave !" John greeted.

"Hey," I responded. Jade still looked happy and didn't seem like she was uncomfortable or anything, so I guess I didn't upset her too bad. Thank Gog.

"I'm going to go get a cookie," John announced and stood up, heading towards the cookie counter. Jade went with him, and I was left with Rose. She looked at me for a minute as if she was deciding something.

"So, I heard that Jade asked you out at Vriska's party." I set down my pizza. I was in for something, I could tell. "I also heard that you turned her down." Oh dear lord, I'm dead. "She told me about your lame and extremely vague exuses, and I have a feeling that it's not just because of her, but maybe her gender, perhaps ?" .........what.

"What ?" How did she know ?

"Dave, I'm pretty good at figuring things out and, I have to say, this was not a hard case. Now, I didn't tell Jade or John about this because, while I'm pretty sure I have hit the nail right on the head, I wanted to make sure I was right and not just assuming false information. Another thing is that I think if you wanted us to know, you would have told us. Seeing as you haven't leads me to believe that this isn't something you want to be known. Therefore, I'll leave it to you to tell Jade and John about this, that is, when you're ready to. I'll go ahead and tell you this much, though: they won't mind. I came out to them and they accepted me just fine." Well that last part made me feel better, but I think I'll keep my gayness a secret for now.

"Uh thanks. How did you figure all this out ?"

"Like I said, I'm good at figuring things out and you made this extremely easy."

Jade and John finally sat back down.

"That was the longest cookie line I think I've ever stood in," Jade stated. Yeah, it would've been very nice if the line has been about half as long.

- - -

I waited for John at our normal meeting place after the dismissal bell rang. He walked out and we walked to my house. When we got there, we went into my room and set up my computer. We assumed our positions and I found articles while he translated. We worked for about an hour and a half before taking a break. We got up and grabbed some Doritos and apple juice and then went back to my room. We sat on the floor and ate and had a nice little conversation.

"So what's new in your life ?" John asked.

"Nothing. Everything is just the same as it always is. It's like someone wrote a horrible song, titled it 'Dave's Shitty Day', and then put it on a continuous loop." He laughed and just hearing him made me want to join in. Gogdammit it Egderp contagious ? But something seemed just a tad off. Not in a bad way, but the scales have been tipped. He seems a tad happier than usual. I didn't think he could get any happier, but I am certain of this.

"So what's new in your life, Egderp ? You seem, somehow, happier than usual."

"Oh gosh, Dave, you'd never guess it, but guess who has a date with Vriska ? Me !" He had a date with Vriska...... What ? Why ? She's creepy and there's something about her that I don't trust. I mean, he can date whoever the fuck he wants, but I just don't think she's a good person. I'm not saying this because I'm jealous or anything, I really don't trust her. And for some reason, I do feel the teeniest tiniest bite of jealousy, but that's besides the point. I guess he just doesn't feel that untrustworthiness coming from her. Or maybe she's completely trustworthy and I'm just being a dick. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

- - -

> Author's Note

Oh mah lord I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've had so much crap going on I just couldn't get around to updating. I didn't almost any homework tonight, though, so I was able to update this story. I know today's Thursday and in this chapter, St. Patrick's Day was Monday, but shhhhhhhh. We'll just pretend it's 2014 or 2025.... let's go with 2014. Okay ! So yeah, there you go. I hope you guys enjoyed it !

~Laurenbob .-.

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