Chapter 15

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It was two days before Halloween and since John had never seen The Nightmare Before Christmas, I made it my duty to make him watch it.

"Is it a horror movie ?" He asked, looking worried.

"No, it's a children's movie, actually."

He raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "You, Coolkid Strider, are making me watch a children's movie ?"

"Yes, but it's a really good children's movie."

"Wow, I never would've thought," he giggled. Dang, his giggles were adorable.

"Ah, shut up." I pushed him playfully.

We sat ourselves on the couch and I plopped the movie into the DVD player. I sat down next to John, making sure to put some space between us so the gaming incident wouldn't happen again. It was the first time John had played a first-person shooter game and we ended up sitting really close and it drove me crazy. That really pushed it. I can only hide my feelings so well and that was a challenge. I didn't want to have to be put in that situation again.

I hummed the first song that came on, which caused John to look at me with a confused expression on his face, so I started singing the lyrics to him, which made him laugh. I loved hearing his laugh because it made me want to smile and laugh along with him. It was also just adorable. Gah, I'm hopeless.

I leaned over and whisper-sang the chorus creepily,"This is Halloween. This is Halloween. Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween." He turned his head really fast to look at me with the most confused, concerned face. It was priceless. I started laughing, which caused John to smile and eventually laugh along with me.

"And you say I'm the dork," he giggled.

"You are the dork, I'm just a slightly cooler dork."

"Sure, 'cool'." He made finger quotes around 'cool'.

"Ah shut up and watch the movie," I said. He giggled and looked back at the TV.

When the movie was over, I stood up and stretched, then walked over to the DVD player to put the disc back in its case. I turned back to John, who had stood up from the couch as well. He had a goofy smile on his face.

"What ?" I asked him.

"I can't believe you knew all the songs."

"Egderp, of course I know all the songs. You just watched the greatest movie in existence." He laughed at that. "Alright what do you want to do now ?" I asked. John was going to be spending the night since it was Friday and he'd be staying until Halloween. Ah, a whole weekend of suppressing feelings, here we go.

"Well, I'm actually getting kind of hungry."

"We could order a pizza, if you want."

"Yeah ! That sounds great. Can we get soda, too?"

"Sure what do you want ?"

"Pepsi !"

"Alright then." I picked up the phone and ordered our pizza and the Pepsi that John seemed to be excited about. "Okay, what do you want to do until the pizza gets here ?"

"Can we built a pillow fort ?" His eyes lit up at the idea of a pillow fort. How the fuck is he so cute ?

"Sure, Egderp."

"Yay !" He started running around and grabbing pillows and blankets, then moved the coffee table so he could build it. We placed pillows and other objects on top of the blankets to keep them in place. When we were done, John was beaming at our creation. It wasn't too pretty, but it was sturdy enough to stay up. We both crawled into the fort and sat with our backs against the couch.

"Oh hey, we can still see the TV," John said.

"Yeah, you want to play some video games ?"

"Yes ! Can we play MarioKart ? Your shooting games are hard."

"Yeah, Egderp we can play MarioKart."

"Hehe I'm going to beat you this time."

"Sure you will." I crawled out of the fort and set up the game. Before I crawled back into the fort, the doorbell rang. "Hey, Egderp, the pizza's here." He crawled out of the fort and clumsily stood up. We walked to the door and grabbed our pizza and Pepsi, then paid the delivery dude. I got some plates and cups and we crawled back into our hideout. We made it pretty big, so there was quite a lot of room inside it. We ate pizza and drank John's soda and then played MarioKart, and I beat him in every game, though he did come close to beating me in one game, but it was cute to see him so frustrated. After quite a few games, he asked if we could do something else.

"Uh sure, I don't really have much to do, though."

"What about all that weird looking techy stuff in your bedroom ?"

"My turtables ?"

"Yeah ! Can we mess around with those ?"

"Sure, I guess."

"Yay !" He jumped up enthusiastically as soon he was out of the tent. I followed him out and he pulled me to my room and sat down in front of the turntables with a smile on his face. I briefly showed him how things worked and he started messing around with them, trying to produce the weirdest sounds he could. If he found one he particularly liked, he would burst out into a fit of giggles. I loved seeing him so happy, and I smiled along with him.

After a while, we went back out into the living room and, in the spirit of Halloween, we decided to tell spooky stories to each other. We turned out all of the lights and even the TV. We sat on the floor, but not in the tent, our reasoning being that we would be more spooked outside of it because we wouldn't be sheltered so much. John told me to go first, but right before I started, he asked," Aren't you going to take of your glasses ? It's completely dark." I figured it wouldn't hurt. I didn't want to make him suspicious by keeping them on and it would be too dark to see the color anyway. I took them off and set them next to me, then began my story. It started off serious, but got goofier as I went on.

In the middle of John's story, Bro walked in the front door and flipped the light switch, flooding the room with light. "Bro !"

- - -

> Author's Note

Hehe I left you at a cliff hanger. I'm sorry please don't be mad. I'm going to be typing the next chapter right after I post this one.... Anyway, how are my lovely Brotatoes doing ? Feeling spoopy yet ? Halloween is almost here and it's by far my favorite holiday ! I can't wait to get hyped up on sugar wooooo. Alrighty, so I'll start typing the next chapter and hope you Brotatoes don't start a riot. Talk to you in the next chapter !

~Laurenbob .-.

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