SATAN!! a funny guy?

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           "ding dong!" the bell rings as a lady opens the door she was a beautiful lady despite her age she looks pretty young, "You look too cute for a mother." Says the guy standing in front of her, hearing him say that the lady gasps in happiness as she jumps onto the guy hugging him saying, "you choose a handsome look this time sweetie! " she smiles, "jeez! Sweetie? again? I told you not to call me that so many times, you never understand how it'll effect my pride in hell, if my demons hear you calling me sweetie. " as the guy says resting his arm on to the door n cover his face with his palm. "You might be the king of hell for your demons but you are still the sweetie I fell for hehehe." says the lady smiling at him in a teasing manner. "Well I can't really argue with how beautiful you are that you made me, Satan the ruler of hell fall for you." As Satan leans onto the lady for a kiss.

             "You guys started flirting right at the front door." A voice says from behind says, "My my if it's not my son Ulfier interrupting my romantic kiss with my lovely wife" Satan says turning around as his smile turns to shock, "Dad, I got someone to introduce to you." Ulfier says being grabbed by his father, "What is wrong with you son? You, the son of Satan, the next heir of the throne of hell, fell in love with a guy? On top of that is Uriel the archangel, didn't u notice that already? " Satan exclaims in a bit of anger as well as curiosity, "Dad are you kidding me? Ofcourse I know it's Uriel and we are good friends he is not my lover as you think for hell's sake! " As Ryuu breaks free from Satan's grip.

(In heavens) "So you came to visit your family eh? Satan!" Gabriel exclaims in mixed emotions of anxiety and rage as he look over the pool eternal waters "Good for me! Now I can kill the whole family including Uriel all together" Gabriel laughs in a maniac manner thinking to himself "they are all in their human forms one of my soldier generals is enough to take them down. " as Gabriel order his general to take his legion to attack Satan and his family

(back on earth) "And yes one more thing, address me as Ryuu not Ulfier, when we are on earth please." Ryuu says sighing calmly with closed eyes rubbing his neck feeling the pain from the grip of his father "you sure are hella strong, even in your human form tch!" Ryuu says as he gets patted on his back, While having this father son conversation, Uriel also known as Ryou on the earth dumbfounded by their friendly conversation and Satan's funny father side "It's hard to believe that the guy over there teasing his son about being gay or whatever is the ruler of the hell." Ryou says, Satan suddenly turns to Ryou and glance at him looking from up to down scanning him, " you are my son's friend even after knowing he is my son, the great Satan's son! But why? " Satan asks with a doubtful face, "It's not a common thing for an angel to be on earth in human form and be friends with Satan's son." Satan says as he get a hit on his head by the lady who's been watching these three guys calmly, "You three get in already! How long are you planning to stand at front door? " says the lady with a mad face "yes mom! " as Ryuu walks into the house, "yes mom!" Satan copies his son with puffed cheeks as he walk behind his son.

                                "Ryou! You are not coming in?" asks the lady as she smiles at Ryou who is standing stunned and shocked at Satan's behaviour, "Ryou!" the lady shook Ryou calling out for him,"huh!? O-oh s-sure aunt!" Ryou says with a nervous smile, "hmm? What happened dear?" the lady asks with a worried face, "you know I'm an angel and I've never met Satan in person before, seeing him like this is kind of a shock and hard to digest even for me." Ryou says as he laughs nervously getting patted on his back by the beautiful lady.

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