The talking tree couple!

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                      "nom nom nom nom...." Ryuu eating food while making noise, "Ryuu can't you eat properly without making that noise?" Sabrina asks irritated, "c'mon luv it's so tasty the best way to eat food is to eat with noise" Ryuu replies while having his mouth full," Ryuu behave in front of the girl you love at least, Will ya?" Ryou says while eating as Sabrina hears it and flusters, "nu Ryou if she gonna fell for me she will fell for the real me let her know who I really am." Sabrina blushes and leaves as she finishes her food faster than others.

"But seriously for you to throw trauma for food." Ryou says thinking back the moment when he was about to close the door while Ryuu whining about being hungry as he sighs, "Tehehe." Ryuu says making a peace sign with his hand with a smile on his face "but we did get to have a feast at the end of the day." Ryuu says finishing his food along with others and everyone leaves to their room and sleeps.

Rooster makes it's sound in the early morning as the sun comes out, "uwaaa..already?! Nuuuu I wanna sleep more" Ryuu says in half sleep and curl up in his blanket as Ryou knocking on his door and Ryuu wakes up stretching his hands yawning, "Yeessss!! Coming wait for a minute I'll get ready." Ryuu jumps out of his bed wash his face n get dressed as everyone else were waiting for him at the breakfast, "I'm here I'm here!!" Ryuu says while breathing heavy as he ran all the way down to the dining room.

"We are done eating let's go!" Sabrina says with a frown in her face, "Ehhhh?!?!? But I haven't eaten anything yet!!!" Ryuu yells again with worry in his face, Ryou throws an apple at Ryuu, "here eat it I'll pack up some food for u to eat." Ryou says as he put some fruits and bread in his bag, "by the way where is Lucifer?" Ryuu asks as he looks for him, "he gone somewhere early never mind him it's better this way anyway." Ryou says while Sabrina nods to Ryou and the three of them leaves the castle with their bags.

Sanji prepares horses for transport but they Ryuu refuses as he knows it's dangerous and don't want to let any animal die in the process," It's fine sanji I've Sabrina to carry me and Ryou can fly too." Ryuu says as he grabs the map from Sanji's hand, "Time to go luv, change your form to Pegasus like last night hehe."Ryuu says to Sabrina, "Tch, I'm just doing this cause I don't want any animals to get hurt either ok? Don't get any wrong idea!" Sabrina replies and as she turn to Pegasus and Ryu gets onto her back and both of them fly towards the forest as Ryou following them using his angelic wings.

"I got a doubt luv!" Ryuu says to Sabrina rubbing her neck, she replies, "mhhh yes that feels goooooood!! I-I means w-what is the d-doubt?" she hides her feelings as Ryuu giggles at her honest self, "I understand that Ryou gets hungry cuz he is in human form so he eats food but you are not neither Lucifer is you still feel hungry? Why so?" Sabrina blushes and says "w-will it's just that I was curious about human's food I'm sure Lucifer is used to eating too since he was on earth longer than any of us." Ryuu replies, "ohh?! Cool sometime I'll make something for you then." He smiles as she keep silent ignoring him.

(HEAVENS) Watching over Ryuu, Gabriel is frustrated to see how Ryuu is always cheerful and solving problems all the time, the watcher says "Easy Gabriel, being mad or frustrated doesn't help us we need to work with a plan." And the watcher whispers something in Gabriel's ear, "Good idea, no wonder you are a watcher!" Gabriel replies with a evil grin on his face and claps his hands, "my dear soldiers go find me the sword of eternity!" he says to the legion of a gorgons, they bow down agreeing to Gabriel's words and leave, "Now that I've a watcher I can get my hands on blades of creation faster than them" Gabriel laughs as he looks at watcher.

They reach the entrance of the forest while having a various along the way and Ryuu jumps off Sabrina as she almost reaches the ground and she turns back to her original form, "We better be careful this forest is so thick!" Ryou says, "we were living in a very good well civilized city before now it feels like we are in medieval period." Ryuu says sighing as they enter the forest.

"Wait a minute! Stop there!" A female voice resonates all over the place as they get deeper into the forest, "eh? Who's that?!" Ryuu shouts in confusion, "You never loved me idiot I've always waited for you yet you go around flirting with other girls? Hmph don't talk to me!" the voice says, "EHHHHH!!!??!?!?!? I donno who you are miss please reveal yourself before my luv starts doubting me."

"WHY WOULD I DOUBT YOU IDIOT I DONT LOVE YOU OR ANYTHING I DONT CARE WHAT YOU DO WITH OTHER GIRLS!!!" Sabrina shouts in frustration with her face turning all red like tomato again, both Ryuu and Ryou shocked and look at Sabrina, "DAMN!" both says at same time, "You ok? Here's some water have it." Ryuu says while walking towards Sabrina giving water sac.

The female voice stopped, "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" A deeper tone says, "uwaa not it's a male voice!" Ryuu says in shock and he continues, "Though female voice was better tehehe." Hearing that Sabrina frowns a bit and turn away from Ryuu, "ahaa you made her mad again" Ryou replies, "I was just stating the fact." Ryuu replies with a pout, "you seriously don't know how to behave with the girl you love and you expect her to accept your love?" Ryou says as he put his palm on his face sighing Sabrina interferes saying "I'm not mad or anything ok? Hmph!" and she turn away again.

A giant shadow appears before Ryuu and Ryou as they both step back and Ryuu bumps into Sabrina," Ouch" she says as she turns around to find the giant shadow and gets into her fighting position, "sorry luv but we can't fight here I don't wanna destroy any forest around us in order to save ourselves" Ryuu replies as he grabs her hand and three of them runs in the opposite direction, Two giant trees stands in front of them, "whow!! People came after so many years!!" the trees says excited to see Ryuu and the others.

"Waaaaiiiit a minute! Those voices it was you guys? And when did we even meet miss talking tree" Ryuu asks to the lady tree, "don't get ahead of yours kid I was talking to my hubby not you!" the tree replies as the other tree calm her down, "Calm down sweety we have visitors after long time you don't wanna scare them away as well do u?" the other tree says with a wide smile.

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