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                         Satan holding the sword that was used by Gabriel to stab Satan's human form which is the weapon caused his wife's death as well and show it to Ryuu & Ryou, "Look at this sword? Don't you think its familiar?" Satan asks Ryuu with a serious face, "h-huh?! It's my sword how did it get here it was under the collapsed house when this all happened" Ryuu says in fear and confusion "This is the other part of the twin blades of creation and made out of my own blood." Satan claims "h-how? w-what? When? Ahhhh WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! " Ryuu shouts as Ryou rubs his back trying to calm him "What do you mean dad?" Ryuu asks in a sad shaky voice.

Satan uses his power to bring the other sword that was buried under the pile of rocks that was once their house, both of the swords floats in air as they get closer to each other, "These are the blades that were made by the best swordsmen in hell using the most rarest materials that are one of their own kind and adding my blood to it, the twin blades of CREATION!" Satan exclaims as he holds both of his swords in hands feeling them.

                                                         Both of the swords change their appearance the next moment Satan holds them, "hmm blade of eternity and blade of infinity." Satan says as the blades of creation disappears "Where did the swords go?" Ryuu asks, Ryou answers "it's better if we don't know" Satan sighs "A place where no demon can enter including me, Uriel get those blades for me will you? It's the only way to revive Ulfier's mother."

                                                            Ryou declines saying "once dead is gone sir I respect your love for your family but I can't help you revive a dead soul back on earth besides you can meet her in your world there's no way she's going to heaven after marrying you is she?"Satan replies "Her soul is lost in those blades of creation" Satan looks down sadly continuing, "only if we can get them back I could get my wife back." 

"I was thinking of killing you as fast as possible at first but now I want to see you suffer Satan! AHAHAHAHAH!! " Gabriel laughs in his as usual maniac style while watching them from far, "OH MY Gabriel what gotten into you?" A strange voice, a mysterious figure appears behind Gabriel, Gabriel's expressions changes as he turns to find in front of him a well know black winged fallen angel "LUCIFER!" says Gabriel in a loud voice getting in his battle stance.

"Whow whow! Haha easy there fella I'm not here to fight I've been watching you going cray cray psycho for quite a time now" Lucifer says, "cray cray psycho? What's that?" Gabriel asks confused relaxing a bit, Lucifer replies "oh it's just a way of saying that you are going crazy." Smirking, "I see you learned to talk like those pitiful lowlife human's way, eh?" says Gabriel "and I'm not crazy you filthy rebellious fallen!" he continues, "TIME OUT PLEASE!" Lucifer shouts.

Lucifer starts talking as the time stop, "Hey there fellas! I'm talking to you my dear readers" Lucifer grins "enjoying the story going on so far? You must be wondering why this fourth wall breaking? And why me out of all the characters am'I right?Or am'I right? haha" Lucifer giggles "it's simple, it's because I'm the most favourite and well known guy of all time in the history of angel!" Lucifer throw his hands in air smiling, "Ain't I awesome? Come on accept that you think so too" Lucifer pouts continuing "meh! Some of you agreed the rest thinks the same just don't wanna say it out loud" Lucifer giggles again, "Aww it's ok I get it I love you all too, it's time for me to go now I got my own life to handle" Lucifer smiles," And yes I'll be dropping by here and there in the upcoming chapters as well be sure to meet me there ok? See ya~!!" Lucifer says snapping his fingers and disappears as the time flows again normally.

Mean while back at the incident area Satan carries the body of his wife saying "you better get me those blades of creation else I'll hunt down every single angel including you" Satan's eyes grows red in anger as he turn around," but dad he is my friend how can you talk to him like that!?"Ryuu asks just to get intercepted by Ryou "it's ok Ryuu I understand your father's words I'll do my best to help you both out." Ryou answers as Satan looks back at him.

"You need to help me out as well in this." Ryou asks Satan as he looks at him and gets a piece of paper with something written on it "What is this?" Ryou asks confused as he don't understand the language that was written on it, it's not a language neither is a language of angels, Ryuu takes it and his eyes open wide in shock "I-I can read it." Ryuu says continuing "I donno what language it is but I can read it! I can understand it! It's some kind of address, We can get mom back!" Ryuu exclaims happily, "of course you can you are my son after all, now go to that place you'll find my friend there talk to him he will help you." Satan says as he walk into the portal with his wife's body.

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