The king was possessed?

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               "Gahahh!!" blood spill on the floor as the lights came on, "RYUU!!!" Sabrina screams in worry, "You deserve it human or should I say son of Satan!" a deep yet familiar voice from behind "your highness?" Sanji asks in confusion, "Emperador!!" Ryou groans in anger leaping onto him as the dagger was still inside Ryuu and Emperador holding it standing behind Ryuu's back.

                                 Just Ryou was about to attack Ryuu stops him with a simple no as he looks at Emperador with a smile and the dagger inside Ryuu melts as it becomes one with his blood itself, Emperador shocked by this stammers, "h-how is this possible?! That dagger w-was s-specially made to kill d-demons like you." Ryuu replies, "It's ok Emp-" before he could continue a black smoky stuff came out of the king's mouth as if it's some kind of sand storm.

                 "Just as I thought, you realized it too eh?" Lucifer asks with a grin on his face, "of course I can easily tell difference in people's behaviour" Ryuu relies with a smile as his wound starts to heal back, "You should've let us know Ryuu." Ryou and Sabrina says after a deep sigh of relief, "it's ok I knew I could handle it and who know how you guys react to it if I told you guys." Ryuu says as Lucifer nods as agreeing to Ryuu.

                         Sanji holding Emperador as he fainted on floor he calls for medical help as 4 lady nurses and 4 buff guys come running asking, "What happened to the king?" Sanji replies as he carries Emperador on his shoulders, "some demon thingy attacked the king, hurry up and ready the stuff for treatment I'll take king to the holy room!" Sanji looks at Ryuu, "I'm hoping for you to be safe and also asking you to help save the kingdom while I'm busy with king's treatment, PLEASE!" he says, as Ryuu replies "oh yea!! Don't you worry buddy we got your back."

                                  Everyone runs out of the palace to find a giant creature with rocks as body standing on two feet with trees all over his back shoulder and on head, "Holy mother of GAWD, Damn someone is growing weeds on their back I'm out!!" Lucifer reacts to the Giant thing and disappears, "Well it's only us three now I guess." Ryou says, "I'll help as thanks for helping be back them" Sabrina replies "that's great love let's get this done as fast as we can I'm starving!" Ryuu says as he jumps and Ryou catch him while spreading his wings and fly towards the giant creature.

                  "Idiots..." Sanji says as he ran towards the holy room that is located behind the castle underground where they going to treat king Emperador, "Thanks for ruining my dinner, DAMN YOU!!" Ryuu shouts as he jumps onto the shoulder punching down breaking the rocks on the shoulders though that didn't do much to the creature, while Ryou and Sabrina trying to attack from back Ryuu realizes something, "GUYS!! STOP ATTACKING!" He shouts and they stop flying back to Ryuu and ask, "What's the matter?"Ryuu replies this is none other than guardian of nature that's why our attacks were useless on it."

                            As soon as they realize it the creature starts to groan in pain and everyone leans on to the front of the creature to see someone holding the one of the twin blades of creation, "It's my sword!" Ryuu says pointing at the man holding the sword in a thick black cloak, "Blade of eternity it is, that's what dad said about it right?" Ryuu asks as Ryou nods, "well, Time to get my sword of eternity back!!" Ryuu shouts jumping down to the man in the black cloak, "it's like leaping from a damn mountain!!!Wohoo!!! " Ryuu shouts while falling down as the man find Ryuu falling and disappears in thin air along with the sword of eternity the moment Ryuu lands.

                                          "There it goes again!" Lucifer says as he was watching them from far with popcorn in his hands, "Hey stop looking at me and concentrate on the story my lovely readers!" Lucifer says, "Oh? You guys thinking why I didn't stop time snapping my fingers this time? It's simple no one is around me anyway so I don't need to do it got it?" Lucifer smiles "now get back to the story!" he says frowning while munching onto his popcorn.

                "NOT AGAIN! DAMN YOU!!" Ryuu yells in frustration, "Ryuu look!" Ryou says as he lands along with Sabrina pointing at the wound that has been emitting greenish blue light as Ryuu approach it the lights turns to red and Sabrina says "get back Ryuu lemme handle this!" as Ryuu steps back and Sabrina approaches and the light turns to white colour, Sabrina starts to heal the creature and within seconds it turns back to normal as the creature bows to Sabrina and walk away into the mountains and disappears

                         "Buuu! What is this some kind of light show?" Lucifer says appearing behind them, "you knew it didn't you Lucifer?" Ryou asks and Lucifer replies, "Eh? I donno what you are talking about." Lucifer rolls his eyes as he grins, "Anyway let's go back to the Sanji" Ryuu says and everyone agrees, "Ah! By the way luv can you change into anything?" Ryuu asks looking at Sabrina as Ryou and Lucifer already in air, "yes, why you ask?" She replies, "Turn into a Pegasus! Will you?" Ryuu asks with sparkling eyes.

                         "U-Ummm sure I guess." Sabrina says as she turns into a beautiful white Pegasus flapping her wings, "wooooww!!" Ryuu says excited as he jumps onto her back and pat her neck "Let's go love! Yeehaaa!!" Ryuu shouts as she flies carrying Ryuu on her back against her will, "Damn you Ryuu!" she says as she feels the pats of Ryuu on her neck and they reach the castle, Sabrina turns to her natural form throwing Ryuu onto ground but he lands with ease, "When you don't want to hurt me don't throw me like that love." Ryuu says and her face turns to red again, "I-I didn't mean to....I-I mean that was meant to hurt you! DAMN YOU IDIOT!" she yells flustered.

                               Sanji notice them and runs out towards them breathing heavily, "HELP PLEASE!" he says with heavy breath, "Looks like it was stronger than I thought." Lucifer says, "We know the cure but we need herbs, it's in that forest outside the city please get it for me I can't come right now!" Sanji says as he holds the Ryuu's hands, "O-Oh ok we will get it don't worry." Ryuu says and sanji hands over the map to show the location of the herbs.

                                       "Let's go get herbs and save the king!" Ryuu shouts with encouraging voice as he walks towards the forest holding his hand up, "uh Ryuu we are all tired" Sabrina says as Ryou grab Ryuu by his collar and drag to his room, "You need to rest we will leave tomorrow." Ryuu replies, "Fine buuu!!"Frowning and shouts as Ryou closes the door, "W-Wait atleast gimme something to eat!!!!!" 

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