Gorgons,watchers...& sanji?

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                       (Heavens) "I want to talk to the watchers...tch! Who knew he would be this strong even having the sword of eternity couldn't help me killing him" says Gabriel frustrated sitting in front of his army of gorgons, no one knows where he found these creatures or how he got a big army of his own, one of his generals come forward and suggests to kidnap a watcher and drag him here but Gabriel refuses as he wanted watchers to help him with this war by standing on his side.

Watchers, they the heavenly beings that keep watch on humans they are like watch dogs of heavens but as powerful as angels as well, but they are known for their limitless knowledge, Gabriel wants these heavenly creatures on his side so fly to the watchers tomb to meet the group of watchers.

"Oh heavenly watchers!" Gabriel says bowing his head, "We know why you came here Gabriel and we are not going to help you with your insanity." one of the watchers replies, Gabriel intercepts saying, "But I'm doing this for a good cause which is to annihilate the whole demon kingdom including its king Satan."

"You are trying to mess the balance of whole creation itself!" other watcher says angrily, "Tch!..so you won't help me fine I was thinking of making those who help me into fellow archangels guess you heavenly beings don't want it." Gabriel says and leave the tomb of watchers, "you want help you say my dear Gabriel!" a voice whispers in Gabriel ear from behind as he sits in his throne.

(Earth) Ryuu holding the address Satan left, looking at it intensely trying to figure out the address, "did you get the address Ryuu?" Ryou asks as he spread his angelic wings ready to fly to the destination, "ZOOM" a weird lightning hit the ground as the dust cleared out in the air, a man was standing in front of them he was muscular, gigantic with a thick mustache that grows round at the tip of both sides, "SANJIIIII!!!" he shouts.

Both Ryou & Ryuu dumbfounded of the situation going on look at sanji confused, a mysterious figure says "is this race even related to angels and demons? " floating next to them was none other than Lucifer, "WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?" Ryuu shouts in confusion "Hey there fellas, it's me Luci-" before he could end his sentence, "Of course I know you Lucifer! What are you doing here? who is this Sanji guy?" Ryou asks Lucifer, as Lucifer about to answer Ryuu shouts "LUCIFER?!?! This guy is Lucifer?! " Ryuu excited shaking his hands continues his talk "I'm a big fan of yours I heard your rebellious stories from dad never knew I could meet you here like this! " Lucifer gives a sweet smile and says "oh my! who knew that Satan's son could be my huge fan! I'm touched! "

Ryou shouts "ENOUGH!!" angrily "Why are you here Lucifer? Who is this sanji guy?! Just answer already!" Ryou asks irritated, "easy there kid I was just interested to see how the friendship of a demon and an angel going on wait should I address you as "fallen"?! kyaa!! We are same now broada I was bored of being the only fallen now I got you yay!!" carried away by the happy go lucky mood Ryou squeals "yaaa!! We are same now....wait what hell naw I'm totally fallen I opposed heavens but not GOD himself you could say I'm falling but not fallen yet" Ryou looks away.

"O'my stop being a tsundere now, Uriel chan!" Lucifer starts teasing Ryou, Ryou confused and asks "Uriel....chan? what does tsundere means?! You giving me weird names like old times Lucifer!!!" Ryou shouts in anger, "waaaaiiiitttt a sec! TIME OUT" Lucifer snaps his fingers saying "yup you got it right it's my time out"!

"Heyo my lovely readers." Lucifer smiles sweetly with a grin on his "you dumbo! Yes you Mr.writer you gave this idiot a Japanese name but forgot to teach him minimum Japanese words tsss....such a pain in my wings!" Lucifer rests his both palms on his face rubbing gently, "Fine I'll tell him this time but next chapter I don't want this guy to be dumb he is my junior after all! In what you ask? Being fallen of course hehe!" Lucifer giggles "sorry my dear lovely readers this time out was to talk to writer so couldn't give you guys enough time, but its time for me to go teach my cute little junior about tsundere tehee" Lucifer giggles waving his hands along with his wings "byeee~" saying his bye Lucifer snap his fingers again.

Lucifer looks at Ryou "my dead falling angel ,Uriel Tsundere is a Japanese term for a character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time." Ryou replies confused "I donno what it is but I'm not like that ok?!" just to get agreed calmly by Lucifer "ok ok." Ryou and Ryuu standing confused with Lucifer next to them and a gigantic creature calling himself Sanji.

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