A New Family

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        "Why did you kill them?" Sabrina asks with teary eye as Ryuu patting her head with a smile, "Stop smiling as if nothing happened!" Sabrina slaps Ryuu in face as she was oddly attached to lady spirit in the tree that is Momo, "Calm down luv, they are n-" before Ryuu finishes, "DAMN YOU RYUU!!!" Momo's voice resonates all over the forest as Sabrina looks around shocked while wiping her tears off her face.

                                      "Easy there Momo, He is the one who freed us anyway." Nailox's says as they both appear in front of in a small fairy like form with glowing glitter all over their body, "see, told ya it's fine luv." Ryuu replies, Sabrina looks at Momo n hug her, "I'm so glad to see you again" Sabrina says while Momo hug her back, Ryuu sighs as Nailox pat his back saying thanks for freeing them as Ryuu replies, "I'm sorry for scaring ya Nailox." Nailox replies, "It's fine just call me Neo but I still don't understand how you freed us, care to explain?" Neo asks curiously as Momo and Sabrina look at Ryuu curiously to know the answer as well.

                         "Hahaha well, I'm the son of satan so I've the control over dead souls so I can decide who to torment and who to let go free." Ryuu replies with a grin on his face, "Stop being cocky just because you are son of satan now!" Momo yells while hugging Sabrina, "DAMN you Momo I freed you still you talk like that huh?!" watching these two going at it again every one cracks up.

                        "Well thank you for freeing us though now we can freely go where ever we want wohoo!" Momo says as she jumps around while Neo bows and thank them all, "Would you like to come with us, you guys can help us!" Sabrina asks excited as she wants to spend more time with Momo, "They can't luv its too dangerous for them they might be spirits still not strong enough to stand against an angel that too an insane one." Ryuu says with seriousness in his face.

                            "Ryuu's right, we will only hold you guys down if we are there so it's better for us to go on our own." Neo replies as Momo and Sabrina shakes their heads disagreeing to Ryuu's suggestion, "No I'll protect them with my life!" Sabrina replies and Momo continues, "Yea yea we will hide somewhere safe if it's too dangerous we will be fine let us come too!" Ryuu sees the desire in both of their eyes to stay with each other and scratches his head.

                         "What is this some kind of MMORPG game? A team full of different classes? Like angels, demons, now spirits! Great!" Lucifer says with his playful smile," You are at your weird blabbering again Lucifer?" Ryou asks, "It's just an inside talk ok?! Jeez don't be such a meanie now sweetie." Lucifer pouts teasing Ryou again, everyone shocked by hearing Lucifer calling Ryou sweetie, Ryou gets angry and yells "LUCIFER!!!!!" and chases his to the castle on flight as Ryuu and the rest follows them laughing at their playful fight.

                        "I never knew Angels can be gay too." Momo says with a curious and confused face, Sabrina and Ryuu explains about their relationship as they walk to sanji and and hand over the herbs and sanji run over to the king and start up the treatment finally, Ryuu and the rest hang out in the garden behind the castle waiting for news from sanji about the king, Ryuu and Neo, Momo and Sabrina having a little *get to know each other* kind of talk while Ryou and Lucifer at their playful fight.

                            (HEAVENS) The watcher making a potion out of the herbs that gorgons took while coming back to heavens, "How could this potion be helpful O' heavenly watcher?" Gabriel asks as the watcher replies, "These herbs are used in various kinds of stuff like black magic or curing those who are attacked by some demons or even heavenly angels." Gabriel gets confused and asks, "Then how is it useful for us?!" Watcher replies, "There's is a special potion only made by these herbs that us watchers created to keep an eye on heavenly weapons if we use this potion on the pool you use to watch over humans we can find out the places of any heavenly weapons that are hidden on earth including the blades of creation" Gabriel gets the point and nods with a evil grin on his face, "I got it now please continue I won't disturb." Gabriel says as he leaves to stroll around heavens.

                                     (EARTH) "Isn't Lucifer the strongest of all angels why are you still waiting with him on your side, you can win any war against any angel." Neo asks Ryuu and he answers, "Well, He is not really on our side neither on Gabriel's he is just here on his own to see how we handle it and knowing him I'm sure he can save himself so I don't really bother about him and he is my favourite of all angels anyway"

                                                        On the other hand Momo asks Sabrina, "Why are you helping a Satan's son? I know about Lucifer being a rebel against his own creator so it's normal for him, but why you and Ryou?" Lucifer hears it and pops up in front of her, "Well well miss tree lady first thing first I'm not helping, I'm just here to see how this event goes." Sabrina cuts off Lucifer and explains Momo the whole thing and ends with saying, "So yea I'm helping him in stopping Gabriel and keep the peace on earth."

                               Lucifer interferes again, "Yea I don't want earth to be destroyed either that's why I'm helping our hero hehehe." Lucifer says playfully, "Ryou come here I got your photos when you were a cupid and nude Imma show'em to these cute lill ladies here hahahah!!" Ryou runs after Lucifer again as he yells, "NUUU don't show it to anyone DAMN Lucifer!!" Ryuu and Neo laugh at them both and girl's faces turns to red like tomato, "aahhaa they started again." Ryuu says while laughing

                                        Both Ryou and Lucifer bump into Sanji as he walks out of the chamber as he finished the treatment, "Easy there little kids." Sanji says and they both yell in a childishway, "WE ARE NOT KIDS!" Ryuu notice and walk towards Sanji and the rest follow him as Ryuu asks about the king and Sanji replies, "The king is safe now still unconscious and we need to guard him the whole night today else he'll be in danger again." Ryuu and Neo replies, "Alright we will guard outside." Ryou says, "Well then I'll be near king along with Sanji girls can have rest." Lucifer interferes again saying "I'm just gonna sit on a tree and watch over you guys hehehe see ya~" and he disappears again.

                              Everyone prepare themselves for the night and get to their designated areas as the night comes guarding the king Ryuu and Neo sit over the roof top while Sanji sit next to the king and Ryou Sit near the door, the sky is well lit by stars and the moon mean while in the castle Momo and Sabrina having girl-talk, "A new family, huh?" Lucifer says as he sighs, "This is getting more interesting!" he continues as he watches them from a tree branch.

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