Demon fell for an angel!?

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                                       "Let's go save Sabrina!!" Ryuu shouts in excitement as Sanji calls the lightning to teleport to the forest in the north, thunder claps in the sky on top of the forest as everyone drops from sky as if it's raining bodies, "ish everybody safe?" Sanji asks to get replies "yes" from Ryou, "hell yea!!" from Ryuu and "That was fun!!!" from Lucifer. "GRRRAAAARRRR!!!!!" the army of gorgons groans in anger after seeing these four dropping down from sky.

                           "Ryuu, there r so many of them we better split and look for Sabrina first then get the hell outta here." Ryou says, "Ehhhh!!! That's boring! Buu. " Ryuu and Lucifer replies at same time and look at each other dumbfounded about replying at same time and laughs, "well then me and Lucifer goes this side and you and sanji go look that side." Ryuu says to Ryou pointing at directions and, "let's go Lucifer we can work together today!!" Ryuu says excited, "yess!! I'd love to see you in action." Lucifer replies with same excitement.

                              Ryou and Sanji runs to the south taking half of the enemies along with them while Ryuu making a way through enemies coming for them kicking around and grins in excitement where as Lucifer follows Ryuu calmly watching Ryuu and enjoying the view, "you are good at it Ryuu." Lucifer says smiling at him while Ryuu replies holding the head of a gorgon and squishing it with bare hands "I'm just warming up yet!!" Lucifer giggles and says, "Good good Ryuu there are tons of gorgons yet to die." As they move taking down enemies talking to each other.

                         Meanwhile on the other side "Sanji watch out!!" Ryou shouts stopping the attack from back of sanji, "thank you angel." Sanji replies "kicking and hitting gorgons with his gigantic hammer sending them flying, "Just call me Ryou!" Ryou replies while blocking off the attacks n punching the gorgons, soon they are outnumbered by the enemies and sanji calls down lightning teleporting them somewhere else in the forest giving them enough time to hide n look for Sabrina in a sneaky way.

                                    On ryuu's side, Ryuu fell on knees already tired and exhausted, "My my, is that all you got Ryuu? I was expecting more from you what a waste of time!" Lucifer says as Ryuu stands "not yet I'm just getting started!" and he starts growling "GRAAAAWWWWW!!!!" as his eyes turn bloody red and he goes crazy tearing apart every single gorgon is his way whit his hands that are turned into demon claws now, "THIS IS NOTHING! MORE!" Ryuu says groaning as every single enemy laying on ground split into half.

               "This is what I was excited for!" Lucifer gives an evil Grin as if his plans were to see the demon inside Ryuu to start with, "grrr...." Ryuu standing along on the pile of dead gorgons waiting for next enemy to attack as a soft voice says, "out of all you are the one to get the SOS!?" Sabrina comes out, "Why so angry my dear Sabrina?" Ryuu looks at Sabrina standing in white dress that got dirty cause of the fight she was in and damaged pure white wings with some feathers blood red in colour, Ryuu walks towards her with his demonic claws drenched in blood of gorgons and horns piercing through head with flames on tips of both horns sharp teeth.

                                  Sabrina shouts in anger at Lucifer "First you rebelled against god, now you are working with a demon?" Lucifer grins and replies "this is not your typical demon he is the son of satan born to a human." Hearing that Sabrina gasps in fear and look at Ryuu just to step back and fell on to ground tripping as she see Ryuu walking towards her, "S-stay away you son of a satan! Lucifer Help! Stop your friend else you both will regret it later!" seeing Sabrina terrified at Ryuu's look Lucifer laughs and make fun of her as Sabrina get her eyes teary with angry expression on her face.

                         Ryuu leans onto her and as she turns into a bunny trying to escape, Ryuu catches her in her bunny form and lift her by holding her bunny ears and she turns back to her angel form to kick Ryuu in face in the urge escape, Ryuu calmly stops her kick and hold her close as Sabrina close her eyes turning her face away from ryuu as he leans closer to her, "wohoo~ way to go buddy!!" Lucifer shouts while eating popcorn floating in air laughing at Sabrina.

                                "Such a cutie she is! This is what I call A TRUE ANGEL!!" Ryuu says with a smile as Sabrina open's her eyes just to find herself in the arms of Ryuu who is now turned back to normal and smiling, "can I kiss you? Ever since I saw you I've this urge to kiss you." Ryuu asks playfully, Sabrina in relief to see Ryuu's human form she nods then dumbfounded by his question she turns to red tomato face and shouts "Eh?...Ehhhhh???Noooo!!!!" in embarrassment, in spite of her rejection Ryuu leans on to her kisses her softly, Lucifer dumbfounded of the situation chokes onto popcorn but then says coughing "Wew father fell for human and son fell for an angel!"

                                             Sabrina tries to push Ryuu back but couldn't as she feels weak being her first time feeling something that she never felt ever since she was made, "Ryuu let go of her! It's not like you to kiss an angel!" Ryou shouts as sanji and Ryou arrives all beat up after fighting the enemy, "Ryou! Are you ok?" Ryuu asks smiling holding Sabrina in his arms, "show some concern bro you are smiling like an idiot." Ryou says while Sabrina starts to glow and her body is all healed including her wings turning to all white, "whow!!" Sabrina says amazed as she couldn't believe herself that she healed so fast that after being kissed for first time by Ryuu.

                    "Now time to go to my home!" Sanji says as five of them gather together, "where are we going?" Sabrina asks, "To the land of Vikings, love." Ryuu replies with a smile, "LOVE!?!?!" everyone else shouts in shock and amazed, Ryuu replies with a huge smile on his face, "Tehee, yea I fell for this angel the first time I saw her! I Love you Sabrina." Sabrina gets flustered and her cheeks turns red again as she denies Ryuu's love, "Let's go!" Sanji shouts calling down the lightning. 

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