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                                             As the lady takes Ryou inside the house Satan glares at him, "hmmm!!" Ryou gasps a bit in fear n stammers, "y-yes sir? y-you got something to ask? " Ryou smiles nervously, "hmm....I still don't get it." Satan rubs the back of his head with a confusing look in his face, "what are you two talking about?" Ryuu asks, Satan says with a evil grin on his face "I was just asking Ryou if you two had sex already." He laughs teasing his son as Ryuu chase him all over the house in anger "come back u filthy demon! How dare you ask that?! " Ryuu shouts in anger while chasing his father with a sword, " can't catch me kid!" Satan shouts at Ryuu while running but he stops as he found the sword in Ryuu's hands and stare the sword closely.

"W-what are you doing dad?" Ryuu asks just to get questioned by his father, "Where did you get this sword from? " Satan asks with a serious face, "I fou-" Ryuu stops his words as he sense a general falling on top of his house, "So you are fighting against angel legions, eh?" Satan grins as he carries his wife and jumps out of the window saying "let's see how much you've grown my son." Just to get stabbed by a sword from behind as he lands outside seeing the shadow of the wings.
"My my, if it's not Gabriel! " Satan smiles as he groans "I've been planning for this for so long, who knew it'd be this simple ahahahahaha!" Gabriel laughs like a maniac just to get pushed back ten feet away with a punch from Satan "you wait a bit my dear wi...." Satan looks down just to see his wife dead as the sword pierced through Satan's human body to kill his wife as well.

"DAMN YOU GABRIEL!!!" Satan shouts in anger "H-huh?! I wanted to kill you not her!" Gabriel shouts while calling his soldiers down for back up in panic run away from the fight and hides in heavens , seeing Satan in his real form opening the doorway to hell "Dad! No!!!" Ryuu shouts closing the doors using the little power he got and falls on knees while Ryou fighting the general of legion "Ryuu!!!" Ryou shouts holding the attack from the general, "I-I'm ok Ryou take care of that general for me w-will ya? I-I gotta stop dad from causing thing r-rampage." Ryuu says weakly walking towards Satan standing in front of him trying to stop from killing the soldiers.

"RETREAT!!" one of the soldiers shouts, "Ryuu you don't know what happened! GET OFF MY WAY!!" Satan shouts killing a soldier with his bare hands while others flying away back to heavens carrying the injured ones "Gabriel killed your mother!" Satan shouts again looking around for more soldiers to kill, as for being a half human Ryuu still has control on his anger as he walk towards Satan and hug him saying "Dad let me take care of this ruckus please? I don't want you to destroy the world mom belongs to in the process of taking revenge on Gabriel." Satan glare at him with fierce "Trust me I'll bring Gabriel to hell." Ryuu says holding his anger in.

"You better do, I'm gonna torture him on my own!" Satan turns back to normal , on the other side of battle the general distracts Ryou and flee from battle knowing that he can't stand a chance against them let alone having Satan in his true form on their side "ahhhhh!!" Ryou shouts as his eyes were in pain by the magic dust got in his eyes from general, hearing that "Ryou are you ok?!" Ryuu shouts as Ryou stumble up on the broken house n roll down towards Satan's feet, "you filthy angel I'll never forgive your kind for what Gabriel done." Satan grabs Ryou by his head, "Dad! No Ryou saved mom in past attacks, he is a true angel his real name is Uriel."

"I know his name!" Satan exclaims in anger, "but why is Gabriel doing this?" Satan asks leaving Ryou healing his eyes, "for the affection of father" Ryou explains while Satan pick up his wife's corpse with tears in his eyes as he looks at the body, "you two better clean up this mess else I'm gonna bring hell to earth or even to heavens to destroy Gabriel" Satan grunts his teeth in anger with teary eyes, "I donno why dad is sad about mom dying he can take her soul with him and bring her back to life right Ryou?" Ryuu asks to Ryou , "True that!" Ryou says , As they both look at Satan with a doubtful face.

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