The death of Tree spirits.....?!

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              Everyone staring at each other in silence, "So? What made you all to wander here in this abandoned forest?" The female tree asks breaking the awkward silence, "We are here for herbs to cure the Viking's king Emperador!" Ryuu replies, "What happened to king?" The male Tree asks, "The king is possessed by some black magic user so one of the Vikings asked us to get these herbs for them."Ryou answers while showing the trees the pictures of herbs that were printed on the map given by Sanji.

                         "Oh? In this conversation we forgot to introduce ourselves I'm Nailox and this is my wife Momo and we are sprits that were trapped here long ago." The male tree says, Momo continues after Nailox says "yea like ages ago." Ryuu asks, "Oh? So you are here for long enough to know this forest well, can you help us with herbs?" Momo replies, "Sure, but first I want you to help us get out of these tree curse." Ryuu yells in anger, "What the..? I'm in hurry I don't have time for your bullshit." Nailox tries to stop Momo from asking help but Momo replies, "Well then FU*K YOU TOO! I ain't helping brats like you!"

"I'm sorry I'll take you people there, it's ok not to help us out we are used to this forest." Nailox says, "Sankyuu tree broda." Ryuu replies, "NOPE!!" I aint letting you help that non-appreciative brat!" Momo says with an irritated tone Ryuu gets mad, "FINE!!!! WE CAN FIND THEM ON OUR OWN! COME RYOU!" Ryuu says as he grabs Ryou and walk away into forest.

                    "Umm...if you guys don't mind I can help you in getting out of this curse?" Sabrina asks them letting Ryuu and Ryou go on their own, "Really? You will? Such a sweet human you are what are you doing with a dumb idiot human like that?" Sabrina replies in a sweet tone, "It's no big deal I love helping out and to be honest I'm not a human neither is he, I'm an angel fell on to earth we are in middle of huge trouble so I'm helping him out as thanks for saving my life." Momo gets shocked and asks, "He? Saved your life? Really he did? He is an angel like you too? Impossible!" Sabrina replies, "Well yea, hard to believe that too but he is not an angel like me he is a half human." Momo gets curious and asks, "What other half is he?" Sabrina replies, "Demon, he is a half breed of satan and human." Momo gets shocked, "No wonder he is like that!" she says in anger.

                       While they are having conversation Nailox snuck out to help Ryuu and Ryou other side both of them are having trouble with the wild animals and carnivores plants, "stand back!" Nailox shouts as he stops the plants and protect Ryuu and Ryou from getting eater, "phew! Thanks buddy!" Ryuu says with a deep sigh and they all walk towards the herbs place.

                                          "HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE?!" Ryuu whines while walking, "Stop whining Ryuu we haven't even walked that much yet!" Ryou says as nailox interrupts, "Take a break if want, here have this." Nailox gives them both a sweet weird looking fruit as he asks them to sit down with a smile, "Yummmm!! This tastes sooo good not so sweet yet sweet! I love it!" Ryuu says while taking a bite of fruit as Ryou silently continues eating, "You are so sweet and generous, why is your wife such an angry lady?" Ryuu asks as he finishes his fruit and stood up dusting his pants, "No she is not angry like that always, it's just she is frustrated to stuck in this forest, she wanna explore this world." Nailox replies as they reachs the herbs garden.

                     The garden is guarded by some hyenas standing on two feet, "Whow! What is this now?" Nailox's expression changes into a anger, "they are called Hyngards" Lucifer replies as everyone turns back "oh? Ho there everyone missed me? No?" Lucifer asks as Nailox is in shock to see Lucifer in real first time, "Oh Lucifer where were you this whole time?" Ryuu asks normally, "Oh my look like someone's in shock!" Lucifer giggles and continues, "I had some work to finish don't worry it's done now, by the way Sabrina and the lady tree is trapped inside the garden by a gargons' general."

                "What? No Momo!" Nailox says in worry, "luv is captured? How she can easily fight those idiots!" Ryuu asks with mixed feelings of worry confusion and curiosity, Lucifer replies "they have a thing that can make an angel weak so I couldn't help either not like I'd help anyway" Lucifer grins, "GAWD DAMN YOU GABRIEL!" Ryuu yells as he jumps out of bushes and bust through the walls literally made of hynguards in rage burning half of the garden as he turned into his demon form, Lucifer claps as he follows along the rest who are trying to stop Ryuu from burning the garden, "well well isn't this interesting?" Lucifer as they reached the centre of garden.

                         Ryuu standing in his demon form with his claws and horns on crimson red flames and his eyes are bloodshot red in rage, "Ryuu stop you are burning the garden!!" Sabrina shouts while Gabriel holding her with chains around her neck that makes sabrina lose her strength as an angel along with momo standing in the cage made of fire.

              "MOMO!!" Nailox shouts in panic while the rest are calm and Ryou trying to calm Nailox, "NEO!" Momo shouts with tears in her eyes with angry expression in her face. "Let them go Gabriel!" Ryuu yells as Gabriel grins and says "try to make me." Ryuu groans and leaps into air to punch the cage and Gabriel together and Gabriel hold Momo and Sabrina as his shield, "well someone's gonna cry in their bathroom today." Lucifer grins laughing quietly.

                      Nailox panic as he knows that the tree with burn along with the spirit inside the tree which is his wife and he leaps in front of Momo in order to protect her, Ryuu doesn't hesitate as he know how his powers works and aims for Nailox as he was standing in front of Momo and behind Momo was Gabriel, "Ouch." Lucifer says while Ryou watching him calmly and Ryuu punches with rage and the Trees burnt to ashes and Sabrina's chains broke as Gabriel fells 10 feet away taking the punch.

                        "As I thought I really need the blades of creation to kill you we will meet soon Ulfier and that time I'll be the one standing and you DYING!" Gabriel says as he fly away before Ryuu catches and Gargons take few herbs secretly and sneak away, Sabrina broke into tears as she oddly got attached to Momo and seeing her burn into ashes made her cry and she hits Ryuu's chest as he hug her to calm her down trying to talk to her but she shakes her head as she doesn't want to listen to any excuses from him.

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