Homeland of Vikings

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           "ZOOM!!" The same weird lightning again and in a flash everyone was standing outside of the Viking kingdom on a circle which was claimed to be the teleporting circle used to teleport far distances, "We are home!" Sanji says in his manly voice "let's go!" Ryuu says walking with Sanji just then Lucifer shouts "WAAAIIIITTTT!!!! cant Sanji just teleport us directly to castle?" He asks, "I can but it's more fun to walk through the gates and look at the beauty of my home land" Sanji replies, "Buuu FINE!" Lucifer pouts and float around while others walking.

                                              "Isn't sanji talking too normal comparing how he was at the first time we met?" Ryou asks, "It's because I was nervous now I'm comfortable after spending some time with you guys." Sanji replies, "Ehhh! A Viking on top of being this powerful is nervous to talk us?" Lucifer asks doubtfully, "Lucifer stop with your weird questioning please" Ryou says with a soft voice, "After a long time! Sob sob sob after a long time you are being nice to me Uriel, I wuv u broad." Lucifer clings on to Ryou making a heart shape bubble in air on Ryou's head teasing him

                                                 Ryuu grab sabrina's hand while walking, "wait wahh-" Sabrina try to talk but before she could say anything Ryuu says "look there!! Sho pretty don't chu think love?" Ryuu smiles, "ahh, I've never been to a place like this its sho pretty!!" her eyes sparkly and feel the urge to flap her wings and fly but then, "wait wait wait....love? Me? Why are you calling me love?" her face turns to red again, "shesh! Is it bad? You don't like me calling you love? Every single time u becomes red like TO-MA-TO hehe." Ryuu teases her, she replies "i-it's not like I don't like it, just remember that I don't love you r anything like that." She looks away with a rosy blush on her cheeks.

                                                  Ryuu smiles and says "yes yes keep on saying that I'll make you love me sooner or later my love!" Sabrina walks faster while Ryuu chases her, "well well love with a devil is a pain in ass, lucky me I'm not a girl else Ryuu would chase me the same way." Lucifer says as both Lucifer and Ryou look at Ryuu and Sabrina running around while walking towards the castle, Ryou looks at Lucifer shocked as Lucifer stops his words and ask "what?" Ryou replies "n-nothing." "Eh? Are you jealous? Would you date me if I was a girl?" Lucifer started teasing Ryou again.

                                         After some sightseeing and walking they all finally reach the castle door king himself comes to the gate to welcome Ryuu and the rest group, "your highness, why did you stressed yourself to come to the gate." King replies," it's ok sanji these gentlemen are not some normal guests or relatives, they are very precious to us!" Ryuu and the rest bows to the king in respect except for Lucifer, "my my Lucifer is here with you as well?" king asks and Ryuu replies "don't worry Lucifer won't harm, he is here to help" king sighs in relief and take them into the palace.

                                   "whow! This is so stony yet beautiful!" Ryuu and Sabrina says together, Ryuu giggles at her as they say it, "looks like a Disney princess' castle than a Vikings castle" Lucifer says, "Lucifer!!" Ryou says in a slight bit angry tone, "fine fine mommy I won't say anything now ok? jeez" Ryou gets angry, "WHO ARE YOU CALLING MOMMY?!" he shouts as he run after Lucifer as Lucifer runs waving his hands in air acting, "oh me Ryou sama gonna get me now! Somebody heelllppp!! Heheh" Ryou runs after him, "LUCIFER!!!!" everybody around look at them and starts laughing, dumb founded at the laughter of the ppl around "o-oh? Sorry h-hehehe." Ryou bows to all the ppl around.

                                                           "Ok ok now calm down Ryou and Lucifer please you too we are here to help king Emperador not to fool around" Ryuu says stopping them both "ok fine" they both agrees, "guards!" emperador calls out for guards "take our guests to their rooms right away!" he says and look at Ryuu n the group and says," You must be tired go rest a bit you all" with a smile on his face, "ah Ryuu! I need to talk to you soon" he says as they were leaving, "oh? Ok!" Ryuu replies as they walk to their rooms.

                         "Separate room for everyone?! Wow though I'd be ok with sharing room with Sabrina" Ryuu says as the guards show them rooms, "and I'm fine with sharing room with Ryou too" Lucifer says, "SHUT UP LUCIFER" Ryou shouts as Lucifer snaps his fingers and time stops,

                                  "Hello there readers haven't talk to u guys in a while eh! Btw just here to say that I'm not gay for Ryou or anything so if you are trying to Ship me with Ryou? GO AHEAD!!!! I'd like to tease Ryou for it, let the writer know if you guys want some spice between me and Ryou" Lucifer give a evil grin continuing "that's it for now folks see ya back to the story!" he snaps his fingers again and run into his room escaping from the rage of Ryou.

                             After a while everybody gets Vikings costumes so they all wear them for dinner as the king ordered to hold a party on welcoming Ryuu and the group, Everybody comes out of the their rooms in their Vikings costumes, "wew everyone looks so cool!! Especially Sabrina looks pretteh!" Ryuu says with sparkling eyes, "oh yea everyone looks surprisingly good." Ryou replies, "oh my Ryou looks so manly I'll go crazy fanboy-ing Ryou!" Lucifer starts teasing Ryou again.

                                                  Sabrina and Ryuu look at them and laugh as they walk past them going ahead of them for the dinner, "mind if I hold your hand?" Ryuu asks Sabrina and she replies, "u-umm ok I guess I don't mind." Ryuu hold her hand and they walk together with Ryou and Lucifer behind them fighting as always, "weeeeew so many people!" Ryuu says as the walk down towards the hall of celebrations and "BOOM!!" lights gone darkness spread like water chills went down the spins of everyone even the greatest warrior of all, Sanji felt scared.

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