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                (HEAVENS) Ryuu and the rest captured and kept in separate cages in front of Gabriel, "Why did you do this Ryou?!" Ryuu asks as Ryou turns back to his angel form, holding the blades of creation and bowing to Gabriel, "Well Well it was quite unexpected, I must say." Lucifer come out of cage easily and looks at Ryuu, "I'm sorry, I'm just here to watch the show!" Lucifer gives an evil smile and stand aside in air looking a perfect spot for him from where he can watch everything in a single looks.

                     Lucifer snaps his fingers, "Hello there readers, you must be wondering what's going on here, right?" Lucifer smiles with a glass of nector in his hands, "hmm? What's this? This is called nector a sweet honey like drink only available in the heavens it's been long since I'm here so while we are here why not enjoy the tour?" Lucifer says as he takes a sip of nector, "I get it, I get it, I'll narrate the story what happened that night." Lucifer gets into the narrator costume n starts narrating.

(Lucifer's narration)
                                                           well I was sitting on a tree far away watching Ryuu and the others then suddenly about 10 legions of gorgons started attacking, they all started fighting back even the ladies entered the battle, *booom gaaahhh gadagadagada!!!*sound effects hehe, anyway they were outnumbered right when Ryuu changing into his demon form he got back stabbed I went to check who it was but it was too late I was like, "Damn I missed the best part." Then Gabriel hit me from back making me faint when I opened my eyes we were all here, hmmm? What? Not enough? How can explain in detail what happened when I'm also a character in the story? Buuu fine I'll let the author take care of narration. 

                            Lucifer turns to his angel form n snaps fingers looking at them while taking sips of nector, "Lucifer! Get down here and work for me I'll take the *fallen* status off your head and give your halo back." Gabriel says, "ooo...Sounds tempting brother but too bad I'm not really a character who has any connection to what's happening here in what-so-ever way possible so yea I refuse~" Lucifer replies with a smile.

*             *               *

(Few hours ago on Earth)

                  Ryuu and Neo having a talk suddenly, lots of gargons started attacking, Ryuu and Neo stands up as Ryuu starts fighting Neo gets into the chamber since can't fight the gorgons he instead goes to warn Sanji and Ryou about it, Ryou and Sanji get out leaving Neo with king then Neo take over the kings body and hide in the underground as Momo and Sabrina hears the sounds coming from the chamber area they went to check and joins the fight.

Leaving the king safe in underground Neo comes out and sees Momo struggling "Momo!" he shouts and Sabrina gives a way for them to get away from the battle, soon they leave the battle and went hiding with king, while fighting Gabriel appears behind Ryou and put a locket onto him forcefully making him work with Gabriel.

                      "The blades of creation they are here with the Viking's king go get them." Gabriel orders Ryou and jumps behind Sabrina hitting her with a special weapon made by Watcher making her unconscious, seeing that Ryuu rages and about to turn to demon but before he could do anything Ryou back stab him and Ryuu passes out, Lucifer appears right after Ryuu gets stabbed and Gabriel hits Lucifer with same weapon he used for Sabrina and make Lucifer unconscious too.

                                Ryuu wakes up in a cage as he sees Ryou bowing down to Gabriel with blades of creations in hands, "Why you did this Ryou?!" Ryuu shouts, and Lucifer wakes up as well and gets out of the cage sits in the corner watching them, "I can't work for anyone brother" Lucifer continues, "Well then," Gabriel says as he look at Ryou and tell him "keep those blades of creation safe my little brother." Ryou looks at Ryuu with darkness in his eyes and he leaves.

                                          Gabriel goes to Sabrina and put another locket onto her same as the one Ryou got from him and he releases, watching this Ryuu realizes that they were all being used like puppets , "My dear Sabrina you should go get yourself a pretty look than having those dirty clothes from earth." Gabriel says and sends Sabrina with his servants to a wardrobe in his castle, "this no more looks like heaven it more looks like your personal world, do you really thing god will appreciate this kind of behaviour Gabriel?!" Ryuu yells in anger shaking the bars of cage.

                                                     "Yell all you want no one can hear you here and those who hear doesn't care ahahaha!" Gabriel replies as he walk away leaving Ryuu all alone in the cage, the watches asks Gabriel while walking with him, "As we promised make me into one of the archangels Gabriel." Gabriel replies with a grin on his face, "sure sure come with me we will do it right away!" they both walk away.

                                                  Gabriel takes the watcher to an unknown dimension, "Where are we Gabriel?" the watcher asks, "What? You are a watcher aren't you how could you not know?" Gabriel replies with a psychotic tone, "w-well I'm not the o-only one there are others too so we share the knowledge in p-parts!" the watcher gives a nervous smile, as he stammers Gabriel kills the watcher leaving him to fade away in that dimension.

                                                 Meanwhile in Gabriel's castle servant maids preparing for the feast according to Gabriel's orders, "psst Ryuu!" a whisper, "Momo? Neo? " Ryuu says as he look at the servants taking stuff for the preparations, "Ryuu! Where are the others?" Neo asks while, "Where's Sabrina?!" Momo asks in curiosity and anger, "well everyone apparently in control of Gabriel right one." Ryuu sighs and asks, "How did you got here?" Neo replies, "Well we are dead sprits right we can go anywhere we want" Momo says, "To be honest we sneak past the guards here, heaven is a mess right now."

                          They both try to get Ryuu out of the cage but fails, "Well it's no use if you guys can find Ryou or Sabrina and break their pendent you can't get them to help go find them!" Ryuu says, "Oh? Ok!" Neo replies while Momo replies, "Stop ordering me around idiot! I'm just here for Sabrina" and they both leaves to look for Ryou and Sabrina!

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