The god's art

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                                   As Lucifer fly off the heavens heavy footsteps were heard all over the heavens and everyone bows as the person walks by the door of the Gabriel's castle, "Wake up already Gabriel you had enough of dreaming." The man says in a low and calm voice, the body of Gabriel starts to float as after hearing the words the person realizes that the Gabriel's feathers are falling off slowly, "you went too far morning star." The person exclaims as he smiles.

                                   Lucifer take the group to hell's main castle n throw them all on the floor in front of Satan, "You! Take care of this messy group." Lucifer orders Satan as he thinks, "It is boring if it end here afterall." and leaves the hell roaming around the human world for entertainment messing around with tainted souls all over the place. "Lucifer..." A faint sound resonates in his ears, "Lucifer!" it gets louder and louder scaring Lucifer himself as he turns around and jump scared by a black Unicorn, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU LECABRE!?" Lucifer shouts in irritation at the unicorn as it turns back to white shining horse, "Get on me I have to show you something." Lecabre says as it turns around.

                             "You gonna take me to the future?" Lucifer asks excited, "Mhmm! But it's not something you should be excited for ya know." Lecabre says as it girns, "well then I pass on the offer." Lucifer says as he spanks Lecabre, "C'mon now shu shu go away am busy finding my next target to play with." Lucifer says pushing the unicorn away and the unicorn leaves as it says, "Hope ya finish this nasty game soon Mr Morning star!"


                                      Ryuu wakes up rubbing his head as he sees everyone sitting around him waiting for him to wake up, "ah it's so hot here! Where am I?" Ryuu asks as he rubs his head looking at the rest, "We are in hell Ryuu." Ryou says, "In your dad's castle...."Sabrina says, Momo and Neo just stare at Ryuu with some kind of fear in their faces, "What happened to you two?" Ryuu asks, "Y-Y-You are Satan's son?!?!?!?!" Momo replies, "Don't worry, no one will hurt you...." Momo interrupts in the middle of Ryuu's words "Whow!!! thats sooo cool! Who thought we'd be friends with Satan's son and get to be in the hell's castle!!" Momo's eyes sparkles as Neo pats her head, "Calm down momo." Neo smiles nervously, "Don't worry Neo nothing bad will happen to you both I gurente it." Ryuu says with a smile and Neo sighs in relief.

                                   "Oh! Where's Lucifer? I need to talk to him!" Ryuu asks with some sort of worry in his face, "Rest Ulfier, you need more rest." Satan says as he walks in, "N-Neo look look satan! He looks so cool!" Momo nudges neo with her elbow staring at satan from side as Neo shuts her mouth and smiles softly whispering in momo's ear, "stay quite momo, please." Satan giggles looking at them, "Such a cute couple, lovely you made friend with 2 angels and 2 spirits eh?" he looks at Ryuu with a smile and turns towards momo and neo,"I'll hire you both to work in my garden instead of giving you punishment or sending you back to heaven since you are tree spirits and my son's friends."

                                 Ryuu is shocked at Satan's getup and asks him in shock, "a-are you going to war with Gabriel?!" satan replies, "It's a one sided's true that am no match for whole heavens itself but Gabriel is nothing but a corrupted angel even he won't help him this time." And he walks away as his cape flew with flames on its edge burning like the rage in Satan's eyes.

-20 hours later-

                                                 "King of hell taking down one of the heaven's powerful beings, quite interesting" the same unknown person talks to himself while sitting on the edge of a random cliff enjoying the view of stars as he sighs thinking to himself, "Soon its gonna be that time again, time to rebuild stuff." And the person stand up and walks to place where the wars going on as he see thousands of humans dead and blood flowing like rivers on the street and closes his eyes as he sees the souls running free no one to judge them in hell or heavens and walks to the centre of the battle.

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