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"Meghan! If you don't start on-" said Maci angrily, trying to get me to look at her, "-Look..At..Me!"

Back in the common room, I was lost in another daydream. This was a good one too. Cedric was there, of course. We were picnicking by the lake. Soft music whistled from the deck of the Durmstrang ship. We laid next to each other on the picnic blanket and looked at the clouds. The wind blew perfectly against us and we laughed as it blew my scarf off. We chased it down the hill, laughing and smiling sincerely.

He looked deep into my eyes and grasped my hand.

"I never want to be away from you," he whispered.

I'm sure I looked positively dreadful, lost in a fantasy, gaping like a lovestruck fool. I just couldn't help myself. It's hard to focus on transfiguration when you have a boy on your mind.

I continued staring into nowhere, twirling my hair around my fingers. I was completely oblivious to the fact that Maci was speaking to me.

That is until he sat right across from me. Yes, he, Cedric Diggory.

I panicked and turned to Maci, who was trying her best not to die laughing. I quickly flattened my black and yellow tie and sat up straighter. I played with my hair a bit and started a perhaps too loud conversation with Maci.

"Megs," said Maci, giving me a good kick in the shin, "Dial it down, okay?"

I felt completely embarrassed. To my relief, Cedric didn't seem to notice too much. Was I completely invisible to him?

I grabbed my books and rushes up to my dormitory. I didn't even know that I was on his mind just as much as he was on mine...

I plopped myself onto my bed. The room around me seemed to smile at me. It was a lovely dormitory, the beds decorated with patchwork quilts, and beautiful, exotic plants all around the diameter of the circular room.

I considered going to talk to Professor Sprout, my head of house. Ever since my first day at Hogwarts, she had been like a Mother to me. She always made me laugh during our Herbology lessons, and had helped me with numerous situations for the past six years. She even told me at the beginning of the year how hard she had tried to convince the other Professors that I should be a Prefect.

I decided that I would go talk to her. Reluctantly I got off my comfortable bed and opened the door, and I nearly give Maci a heart attack.

"MACI!" I said, rather taken aback by seeing her right as I opened the door. "Are you alright?"

"Yes-" Maci panted, "I'm fine, I'm fine!" she walked into our dormitory and took a seat on my bed. "Where were you going?" she asked, recovering from the fright I had given her.

"To talk to Sprout," I replied casually.

"You can talk to me you know," she said, sounding a bit hurt.

"Alright then!" I said enthusiastically, "Let's talk!"

Maci seemed to regret what she had said, but still waited patiently for me to begin.

"Er, well I don't know really what my problem is-" I admitted to her. She smiled accusatively.

Maci turned to me and attempted to sound like me, "I've got a ickle crushy on Cedric Diggory, Mace! What ever shall I do to tell him? Oh if only he knew!"

"Ha-ha! Very funny. I'm serious, Maci. Love doesn't lie!"

"Love?" she repeated in a shocked gasp, "You're in love with pretty-boy Diggory? How can you already be in love with him?"

"If only you knew, Maci. If only you knew.."

My response may have sounded a bit hokey, but she had no idea what I was feeling inside. The power of love is so strong, sometimes it's ineffable and uncontrollable. Love is a power greater than we can comprehend or imagine, so why would it be questionable that I was in love?

It was as if Maci was in my thoughts, for as I was thinking that, she said, "It's questionable that you're in love because you don't even know Diggory."

"Says the girl who stalks Fred Weasley," I said humorously.

"Excuse me, I do not stalk. I admire from afar," said Maci extremely defensively.

"Only joking, dear," I said.

Maci sighed and put her arm around me. "Guess what tonight is?"

"What?" I asked excitedly.

"The announcement of the Triwizard Champions!" she said matter-of-factly.

"Of course! I can't believe I forgot! That's so exciting!" I replied, very giddy with excitement.

"Maybe Cedric will be chosen," said Maci, who paused to laugh at my widening eyes. "It'd be nice for Hufflepuff to get a bit of recognition, wouldn't it?"

"Absolutely!" I replied with a slight smirk forming across my face.

"If you have any crazy ideas right now, I don't want to be a part of it. I don't even want to know," said Maci. She knew me much too well.

"Have it your way," I said intriguingly, "I won't tell you."

Maci fought back the urge to bombard me with questions, and without another word, walked quietly out of the dormitory.

I got off my bed and followed her out of the dormitory.

"Love makes fools of us all..." I whispered as I shut the door.

I Trusted You {Cedric Diggory}Where stories live. Discover now