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This is too much for one night. Is it all a dream? If it is, it's the best I've ever had.

I hid my excitement as I turned to look at him. He was smiling at me. His eyes brighter than ever. It was a wonderful change to the nervous Cedric I had seen earlier. He was himself again. He was back to his perfect self.

"Hi, Cedric," I said softly, losing myself in his eyes.

"Care for a stroll?" he asked.

He looked at me with those eyes, and I was captivated. I would do anything for him if he continued to look at me that way. My heart jumped a mile as he spoke those four simple words.

"Sure," I replied coolly. I was surprised how calmly I was able to speak, when in reality, he was taking my breath away.

He led me out of the Great Hall and outside. I felt as if I was in another one of my daydreams. But it was real. It was happening. It was perfect.

We didn't speak for a few minutes. We just walked and breathed in the fresh October air. Even the silence was beautiful; it didn't feel necessary to talk.

Excitement and noise was heard in the distance, it was coming from Gryffindor tower. I decided to start a conversation, and I was very curious to hear what he had to say.

"What do you think about Harry Potter being a champion?" I asked.

Cedric shrugged and stopped walking. I turned to look at him.

"I don't really know," he said, sighing, "I'm just curious as to how he fooled the goblet and Dumbledore, though."

My insides exploded with fury; he couldn't possibly think Harry had done such a thing! It was up to me, however, to decide what I wanted; to drop the subject, and continue this beautiful, perfect moment, or ruin it by starting an argument.

I chose the former and shrugged it off.

"I'm a bit nervous about the first task," said Cedric, and we continued walking. "It's in less than a month, and I've no clue what to expect."

"They didn't give you a hint, or anything?" I asked. It was surprising that they would not warn them of what was coming up.

"Not a clue," he said, and ran his fingers through his hair, the thing I had watched him do so many times.

"I will help you," I blurted out, without thinking. I made a mental note to ask Maci to give me a good punch in the face later.

Cedric didn't seem to think I had said anything stupid. He thought quite the opposite, actually.

"Really?" he whispered, stopping again.

"Absolutely," I whispered back.

His mouth widened into a grin, and he gingerly put my hand in his. With our fingers entwined, I forgot everything. They seemed to fit together perfectly. It was nothing short of perfect. He laughed a little, and I did too. We turned around and headed back towards the castle. It was amazing that I managed to walk. Feeling his touch made my knees go weak, but his grasp kept me strong.

We stopped at the front doors, and he grabbed my other hand. We gazed into each other's eyes for a few moments. After realizing what he was doing, he looked away and walked in through the front doors. He opened the door and let me in first. What a gentleman!

"I 'spect they'll be waiting for you," I said, as we walked through the deserted corridors. "It's not everyday that our house gets such a worthy recognition."

Cedric laughed a little. "Yeah, I guess you're right!"

"Or maybe they've all forgotten and gone to bed," I said sarcastically.

He laughed out loud and playfully shoved me in the arm. "Yes, I'm sure that's what they've done."

"Only joking!" I said, joining him in the laughter. We reached the Hufflepuff basement and entered trough the barrel into our common room. We were greeted by nearly the entire house raising their butterbeer in the air and shouting, "To Cedric Diggory, the true Hogwarts Champion!"

The common room erupted with noise and shouts of congratulations. Cedric didn't know what to say, he was so astounded.

"I'll see you later!" I shouted to him over the noise. I walked to an emptier part of the room and sat down. I sighed and laughed at all the people trying to converse with Cedric.

"They think he's a celebrity or something."

 I turned to my left and saw Maci sitting in an armchair, rolling her eyes.

"What, aren't you excited?" I said, shifting my position to get a better look at her.

"Of course I am!" she said quickly. "It's about time everyone realized our house isn't worthless. I just wish it could've been someone like Summers."

"It couldn't have been though, Mace. He's in our year and he used an Aging Potion to try and get past the Age Line," I tried to reason with her, but she refused to change her mind.

"Still," she spat, "anyone but Pretty-Boy Diggory."

"Would you stop using that foul name?" I said firmly. "He isn't a 'Pretty-Boy!'"

"'Scuse me," she said sarcastically, "I forgot he was your boyfriend now."

"What is wrong with you?" I whispered tensely. "He's not my boyfriend! We went for a walk!"


Has she gone barking mad? I couldn't figure out her problem. She was the one who had given me the thumbs up when Cedric sat next to me at dinner. Why was she suddenly having a change of heart? Surely she wasn't jealous? She had always made fun of me for liking Cedric. That's the trouble with Maci, she is very good at hiding her feelings.

Maci got up and irritably made her way through the crowded common room and up to our dormitory. I decided to deal with her later. For at that time, it was a happy time. A time meant for celebration, and enjoyment with friends. I put Maci Smith in the back of my mind, and I got up out of my chair.

The celebration lasted well into the night. The food supply was endless; one of the advantages of being a Hufflepuff was that our common room is right next door to the kitchens.

Everyone was surprised that Professor Sprout hadn't come to tell us to go to bed yet. It just showed us how proud she was of Cedric. Little by little, the crowd decreased, and at 3 in the morning, I decided I should go to bed. I yawned and waved to the remainder of older students, and entered the warm dormitory.

Maci was still awake, sitting on her bed, under the covers, writing.

"Mace," I whispered.

She looked up and smiled slightly.

"I'm sor-" we said in unison.

"Forget it," I said, and I sat on the foot of her bed. "Mace?"


"I made a mental note earlier to remind you to punch me in the face."

She laughed. "Why?"

"To be honest," I said, grinning, "I can't even remember."

"Well, I'll make a mental note to do it tomorrow."

"It's a deal."

I got off of her bed and crawled into mine. The night had been so perfect. I couldn't help but feel a warm sensation in my chest as I turned off the light, and I fell asleep with a smile on my face; something I hadn't done for quite some time.

I Trusted You {Cedric Diggory}Where stories live. Discover now